Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Long Run Schedule

OK...since we had a few questions about this is our Saturday long run schedule from here on out.  Don't forget, every Saturday we meet at Cafe Moxo (except for the day we run the actual course.  We'll meet at the Lincoln Presidential Museum on that day).

Here you go...

Saturday, February 14:  9 miles

Saturday, February 21:  6+ miles

Saturday, February 28:  11 miles

Saturday, March 7:  12 miles

Saturday, March 14:  7 miles

Saturday, March 21:  13.1 miles (run complete LM course)

Saturday, March 28:  7 miles

Saturday, April 4:  Lincoln Memorial Half Marathon!


Chazter said...

Everyone enjoy your run Sat. Sorry I cant join ya. An injury flared up again.

Anonymous said...

Tim, thanks for posting the long runs. You would think by now that I would know them.

And Chuck, just ice it, lol

Pamela Enno

Anonymous said...

What is the course for Thursday 2/12? Had a great time on the hills on Tuesday.

Anne B said...

Any rumors about a destination race for 2009?

Anonymous said...

I vote the Vegas Marathon in December but it does fall on Frostbite weekend. Any interested parties?


Lance said...

Vegas would be fun because I think it will be the first year it is a Rock-n-Roll event.

Memphis will be my Marathon of choice. It's the first week-end in December.

Anonymous said...


I am sorry to hear that. You looked so good running last weekend. Except, of course, for the fact that you passed me. Get better soon.

Anonymous said...

Vegas sounds like a fun place to run, any chance I would have some one to train with? LOL I would love to do a destination run.

Tim said...

I'm not planning to organize an out-of-town half marathon this spring...but other folks are more than encouraged to get something rolling on that!

I just need to get back to running...and who knows when that will really be.