Big Toe Barry has a route planned out for this Saturday, January 12. We'll leave the west-side Panera at 7:00 a.m.
Visit the Frost Toes Blog to check it out.
2012 Recap
I've seriously neglected this blog for no reason other than I haven't made
the time to sit down and compose something. Which is kind of sad because
2012 wa...
12 years ago
In honor of the Big Toe Barry
Click Here => Big Toe Barry
LMAO!!!! Chuck you are hilarious!!!
Chuck, that is absolutely the weirdest case of toenail fungus I've ever seen.
Hey Tim Butler, the Frost Toes blog says we're startin' at 7 on Saturday. Just FYI.
My head said fingers said 7:30. I'll make the change.
I thought maybe you was tryin' to undermine my authority as the Big Toe . . . LOL!
Those wishing another option to extend the day's run could go south on the interurban once or both times. That could add 1.5 or 3 miles total to the already scheduled 10.6 route posted, depending if you did it once or twice. Tim, are you interested???
Carl?? Kim?
I hate to admit this but I want to know how you did that? Ick...
There needs to be some kind of screening process before people gain access to Photoshop...
Oh that's too funny!! Demented, but funny!!
Hi Holly,
I have a graphics program similar to Photoshop, so I cropped The Big Toe's head (Barry) and superimposed him on a Toe then uploaded the image in one of those image hosting sites.
Pretty simple.
Kari, I am demented aint I?
It reminds me of that commercial for toe fungus medicine where the little computer-generated critter lifts up the toenail (shudder) and crawls under. Except of course that Barry is much better looking than the toe fungus monster.
Nice work, Chuck!
Hi all,
My sister and I are registered to run the Indy Mini this year but we have decided to run the Madison Marathon a couple of weeks later. If you know one or two people that want to run Indy but were shut out, please let me know.
See you when the Half Wits training starts on the second, if not before.
Best, Pat
Nothing we didn't already know Chuck!
The back to back 6 mile runs & kickboxing says it all! :):):)
Would you like me to put up a separate post regarding your Indy transer possibility?
Chuck, I love it!!!! I'm still laughing at Barry Big Toe, hehehe :).
Hope you guys have fun on your run. I have to rest my foot for a week per Dr. Roger. Eat a bagel for me!
If anyone runs the next week, I'll see ya at 7:30.
I'm up for any extra miles on SAT. run. Great news in the SJR today; in just 4 more years I'll be able to ride the city bus for FREE!! Guv Rowwddy Rod, you da man(maybe not).
Tim Mu
And Tim Mu, if you were disabled you wouldn't have to wait till your a senior!
Can't wait to hear all about it!
Yeah Helen!!!!! We knew you could do it!!!
Helen YOU SO ROCK!!! WHOO HOO!!! Let us know how the race went!!!
Hugs and Muwahs to YOU Helen!!!
Way to go Helen K. !! You make us HalfWits proud!!
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