With this huge crowd and the great weather forecast for Sunday, this promises to be another awesome event for the Half Wits!!!
The race directors have posted on their website some very detailed and important race instructions. Please click here to visit the race website and then click on "race instructions" to read this information.
Just a few reminders:
* The race begins at 6:45 a.m. this Sunday...that's an early start. You should be visualizing this early start so you are prepared and have plenty of time to get from your hotel to the start and prepare for the race!
* The race is point-to-point. The start is at Verizon Wireless Ampitheater (a.k.a Riverport) and the finish is in Frontier Park on the Missouri Riverfront in historic St. Charles.
* The race directors sugget that you park at the start (Verizon Wireless Ampitheater...a.k.a: Riverport) and use their shuttle system after the race to retrieve your car. Shuttles will be running between Frontier Park and Riverport until 3:00 p.m.
Again...please read the race instructions. Most every thing you need to know about the race is covered in them!
Thank you Tim and Wendy for everything during this training and thank you for providing all of this information!
If anyone else is like me, I am already getting pre-race jitters. I think I want to PUKE!!!! I know, I know TMI!!!! :)
BTW, Unless if I am blind, does it say anything in the rules about headphones? 26.2 miles is a long time by myself. :(
My take on headphones: "don't ask, don't tell"!
Good luck everyone!!! Enjoy the weather, scenery, and the gift of running.
Emily-just tuck the cord behind your ears and down your shirt. They are less likely to see the cord then.
Any word yet on the ticks Emily K?
Just tell them that it's your phone! Good luck! You will do great! The weather is supposed to be cold so that will be perfect.
You still never know, I may show up and run the last half with you. If not, will call you during your last half and cheer you on...
You guys are great!!!! Thank you!!! Holly, you know I'd love to have you!!! Thank you for always keeping my spirits high!
But can't take all the credit.... I am only a little peon that became a runner because of this great group. I am so excited that so many of us will be in this race together and so glad the Chicago group was with us too!!! Never ever would I or could I do this alone. :)
but I still want to puke...
Emily - you're such a sweetheart! You've been inspirational to just as many people as those y=who have helped you ....
just puke the other way - okay?
Good luck to everyone running in St Charles this weekend. You guys ROCK!
Em, let me know if you need someone to hold your head while you puke . . . I'll help you find someone . . .
But don't forget about holding my hair... remember it's long! :)
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