Just a helpful note for Saturday's run...
Downtown Springfield will see some action this weekend with a couple events in town. Due to these events there are some street closures scheduled around the Old State Capitol. These closures could impact your parking as you come downtown for the run Saturday morning.
5th Street will be closed between Jefferson and Adams (that means no parking on the west side of the Old State Capitol). Also, Washington will be closed between 4th and 6th .
A good bet for parking will probably be 6th Street or Adams Street east of the Old State Capitol plaza. Other good spots are on Adams west of the railroad tracks (3rd Street) on the west side of the Farmer's Market or on 4th Street south or north of the Farmer's Market (these are closer to Cafe Moxo!).
See ya Saturday!
2012 Recap
I've seriously neglected this blog for no reason other than I haven't made
the time to sit down and compose something. Which is kind of sad because
2012 wa...
12 years ago
I will be adding 8 in before the HW meeting at 4:45 a.m. If anyone wants to join very, very early feel free, I plan on starting from the HW meeting area and be back there at 6:30 so we can continue on to complete 20 miles and end there. I will be running a 10 min/mi pace so it will give us at least 20-25 minutes breathing room till 6:30.
Here is my route before HW.
See you tomorrow.
Emily & Penny~
How were the last 10 miles?
Thanks Penny for the water/gatorade. Loved the course! Let's do it again next week and hit the trail on the way back :)
The sun doesn't come up until 6:00am. Chuck do I need to bring a flashlight and my hat that has flashing lights on it- or are we running on steets with street lights on them.? I think I will bring a whistle just in case the bad guys are still up.
Its always safe to have blinkers. I cant whistle either - LOL
The streets should be lit up for the most part with the exception of old Jack. Did you plan on running early?
E-mail me if you are. im_chaz@rocketmail.com
4:45!! Your nutts! I will be really lucky if I can pull off a 6am with the group. Kudos to ya!
Kim N.
Mary and Trisha,
I heard you were doing your long run on Sunday. I had to cut my long run short today and need to get some more miles in. Do you mind if I join up with you for part of your run?
My email is Mvonde@att.net if you have a route mapped.
Emily if I get all of my miles in within a 24 hour period doesn't it count? :)
Hey Marie - yep we're running 20 on Sunday. You're welcome to join us. Still working on a route - but leave from Panera West at 5:30? Thinking of Panera to Wp to downtown area, etc. and back. I'll plan water, etc. and when I finish mapping - I'll send ya a link!
Between 10 and 11 pace.
Thanks to all that gave me encouragement to keep on going. It wasnt a great day for my 20. Cramps got to me a different points and almost called it quits especially at Lincoln Park, but I realize just persevere. I feel better now that I got through it. I dont think I did any harmful muscle tears since I was able to get it to subside without it getting too excruciating.
Everyone have a good weekend. On to my 20th year reunion tonight.
Mary let me know for sure what time you want to run and for about how long; i will trust you on the route; please post soon
I sent you an email (if you are Marie). Panera West 5:30 am. 20.70 miles mapped. Anyone else interested that couldn't run this morning?? Shoot me an email for the route (rogers_01@msn.com).
PS - does anyone know if YMCA or the Nelson Center are open Sunday mornings for bathroom/water stops?What about Washington Park - what time do they open the bathrooms?
Hopefully it will be a little cooler!
Hi Mary who lives in Spfld now!!! :):):) Not sure when the Y opens on Sundays but if it is like on Saturdays, it's at 7.
Holly, Penny and I ended up only doing 12. I ended up having to get to work earlier than what I thought so we cut it short! BUT! according to Marie, she read in "Marathon 101" if you run again in less than 24 hours, your miles are complete. So I woke up at 4 AM to meet Marie and Chuck at 4:45 and did 8 with them. So "technically" I got my 20 in, just not all at the same time. So YES! Marie you will do just fine with Mary and Trish!!! :):):)
The 8 miles was not easy though. Chuck made up the route. It actually SUCKED! He had every hill in it. I had went out the night before. I was literally "RUI". Running while under the influence.... But I did it!!!
I don't recommend your children to do that............
PS: Sorry Chuck and Mary for drunk dialing you... apparently I tried to call more people until my hubby Brent spoiled all the fun and took my cell away... Party Pooper! LOL!
PS: My heart aches for you that you had a bad run this AM But I'm proud of you Chuck!! You are one tough runner!! I would have given up! (Oh wait! I did give up~~ that is why I only did 8!!)
I had a terrible run also. I tried to just get in the distance but I could hardly make it. If Tim Mu wasn't there, I would have stopped. I was crabby, yelled at Russell, at mile 17 started laughing and couldn't stop, almost peed my pants. Must be something in the air. Yes, like humidity!!!!!
Oh, that was me, Pamela!
I meant, that was me.
Sugars must still be low :).
Chuck and Pam:
You two did awesome! Good job and keepin' one foot moving in front of the other. You have what it takes. You want it enough to just do it!
Chuck: you have the best story to tell at your 2oth. You've been out of H.S. for 20 years and you can run 20 miles. Bet no one else in your class did that this morning. Celebrate and feel superior! No weird 80s dancing though!
You're tough! I could tell you weren't lovin' it but you made it. And remember how great your run was a couple of weeks ago? You were trying to race Jenni and you were right there with her.
If you can make it through 20 in today's humidity, your marathon will be cake!
Well Saturday morning runners we did it and let me tell you the importance of hydration. I thought I was drinking enough but that wasn't the case. I ended up in the ER after my 21. I thought I was feeling a little odd the last two miles but wanted to get through the run. I had stopped sweating but finished and drank a quart of water at Moxo. This may be TMI for the blog but don't want this to happen to anyone else.
I thought I had to pee at the Cafe but when I went it was all blood. I went out and got Pam and she said my face was twitching. I went to the ER and they got me right in and started an IV with a very fast drip. Dr. said severe hydration and did a Cat Scan on kidneys and blood work. They believe the strain of the run may have caused the blood but will follow up later this week with my Dr. Home now and feel good but drinking plenty of water. I know many on this blog say the importance of plenty of fluids but let me tell you it is true. Also, LISTEN to your body because it will tell you when it is time to stop.
But again, all is well and I think I did enjoy the run with everyone spite Pam yelling at me. I think that was when I started feeling bad…….she scared my kidneys. Just kidding. Lol
PS I may feel good enough to go to the Blues and BBQ tonight so I might se some of you there.
Thank you soooo much for sharing this. De-hydration is nothing to mess with!! This training has been grueling and thanks to Tim and Wendy for today. They had so many water and gatorade stops. Kudus to you!!! We may have easily had several other who had de-hydrated. The air was cool so it was mis-leading. The humidity was sucking the fluids out of us. I was drenchned like others. Thank you Stephen and Steve for hanging with me.
Sorry for the long blog, but I am really a fanatic about hydrating in the humidity (not necessasily the heat) Thanks to Pam. She has tought me alot. Thank you Pam!!
Drink, drink, and drink!!!!
Sorry that I missed out on the half wits run today. But, Tim and Wendy, thanks for water and gatorade at the cemetery and Nelson center. I did 18 with the West Panera people. Thanks, Donna, Cindy, Jen, Cheryl, Dave and Ben. A tough but successful day. Especially since my ipod quit on mile 2 and everyone else was enjoying their tunes. You guys are awesome!!
You yelled at Russ and sent him to the hospital?
You didn't bother to mention that you yelled at me also.
I'm suprised Tim could stand running with you.
Dang Pam - geez. What were you thinking?
Russ - what was in the IV - anything good? Anything that would go with, like, lemonade?
Glad you're okay, though. I'm taking extra water tomorrow!
And anonymous above (who I thought was Marie, but it wasn't...), too late for me to email it to you, but we're leaving Panera West at 5:30. 20.70
Gosh Russ, I hope you are feeling better. I did the same 2 years ago after an Abe's race. All I remember was talking, collapsing, ambulance, then ER. It was a heat stroke... not fun. Don't feel surprise if you feel a little drained this week... although I am sure you will hop right back into things. Take care and thank you for telling us... sometimes I think we take the weather for granted, but it is always great to get a reminder...
-Em :)
Thanks Wendy for the support. That's nice of you cheer Chuck and I on. You looked very strong out there and you were even smiling. I'm doing something wrong. I felt terrible from the start. I was thinking, "O.K. I'll stop at 10, okay, I'll stop when the halfwits stop, okay, just do the dang extra 5 miles and be done with it!"
Chuck, don't feel bad about your run. You had a great run two weeks ago and you can do it again. We just had a very bad day. At least you didn't yell at anyone and you still have friends to run with, lol.
Kim, thanks for saying I've helped you along the way, it's nice to know I can give some good advice every now and then, lol. I should have listened to my body when I started yelling at everyone and then two miles later couldn't stop laughing. Sorry Russ and Roger for yelling at you. Roger, you could have fell out the window and done some serious damage, lol. For everyone else that I yelled at, I'm sorry. Tim Mu., I hope I didn't yell at you too. I think you were probably thinking "Let's just get this crazy woman done with her 20 miler so she doesn't do anymore harm to other people" lol. Gosh, I don't think I'll have anyone left to run with. People are going to start telling me they have to wash their hair when I ask them to run with me.
Russ, I'm glad you are okay and that it is something you can control next time. Didn't want it to be something out of your hands. I'm also glad you shared your story with the class :).
Tim and Wendy, thank you very much for putting out water. I didn't expect it, in so many places. That was extremely thoughtful of you guys. It helped out so much.
Mary, when I took my dog out this morning there was a cool feel compared to yesterday. I really hope your group had an awesome run. Great day for it!
I'm going to rest my hip and get a massage on Monday. Don't know when I will run again but I know the tempo run is out. Maybe an easy run on Tuesday. If anyone wants to run the frostbite run, I wanted to run it on Tuesday but it's going to be 92! Thursday is suppose to be a cool night and Xoch's has $1.99 margaritas so maybe Thursday night is better than Tuesday. I'll blog back later in the week to see if anyone would like to run it with me. I may have to go on a blog out of town to get someone to run with me, lol.
Tim Mu. are you sure you don't want to miss that race on the 15th? You know that is the
most important run of the Marathon training. Just a thought, hehehe.
Emily, isn't your marathon coming up? I can't remember when yours is but hopefully you are going to taper soon. That's such a good feeling. I know last year I was hyper during that time but this year, I'm welcoming it.
Talk to ya guys later,
Steve J here:
Russ, Hope you're mending micely. You were prophetic in your earlier post asking if Moxo's had a cot! Come back slowly.
Thanks to Bob for running with me-it was fun-sorry about making us do the Sangamon hill twice! If you can do yesterday's mileage at 7:30 pace in that humidity, you will simply rock Toronto!!! 26.2 in Canada will be easier than 14 in Central Il in August. Let's all hope for cooler days.
p.s. Don't think I'm brave enough to try Em's 8 mile scenario-at least not at that time of day.
If I remember correctly, it was chugging the Budweiser E (energy drink) that sent you the the hospital a couple of years ago at Abes! Nice try.
I was smiling because I only ran 10.5 miles - not 20!! It took me awhile to get my body used to the conditions yesterday. Terrible calf cramps from the get go. I walked/ran the first 5 miles - cut the course - and then I felt a whole lot better for the last half and was stronger than the 1st half. Kind of weird.
I thought you looked like a machine out there. You just kept chugging along with the fuel belt I didn't see you actually stop even once. You musta busted your thermostat.
Did you make it to the B&BBQ? Tim & I went down in the afternoon and had some awesome Q. The BBQ chicken legs were great. And some fellow runners - Tim & Kim Geving had a stand with some good ribs and pulled pork sandwiches.
I think I got enough protein for the next month or so! Hope you're feeling better.
All: You're welcome for the running refreshments. We just like having you all along for the run. I have to give Tim the credit for getting up extra early and setting everything out though.
Tim & I are doing a 1/2 in Wisconsin Labor Day weekend as our training run. Then we're @ Purdue the next weekend for our 7-miler. So we won't see you half-wits for another weekend run until the St. Charles race.
I guess we have the blog to keep us up to speed on all the half-wits news!
I'm offering to put out water next Saturday and the weekend after if someone wants to come up with the route.....
Russ - because of your story I made sure we stopped for our water breaks - it was cooler so we didn't feel like we needed water - but I made plans for every couple of miles.
And yes Pam - it was cooler - so much so that we actually had chills (it didn't last - the sun came out full force before we got to mile 13). It was a slow 21 miles - kinda funny cause we only were supposed to do 20 and when the garmin said 20, by golly we stopped and walked the last mile in! Good cool down, I say. I can't complain - while I did my run at 5:30, Troy didn't start until noon and then he decided to run frostbite - twice! Yeah, he's crazy too.
Trisha - you rock. Thanks for running with me and we really really did a good job out. I'm really excited for you and you're definitely ready for St. Charles!
But I realized today that I haven't changed my shoes out since March - and my feet were aching during the whole run - so off to the running store I went and I should be good to go now. I lovew the Running Center's discount and service!
Bad day has led to a good day. I'm doing well and love the taste of water. Thanks for all the comments.
For Pam E, Kim N, Steve O, Tim Mu and Steve N. We are now signed up for the Trophy Tent for the Chicago Marathon. For Everyone else who are running Chicago we would really like your company at the tent before and after the race.
Glad your feeling better! Hope you made it to the festivities downtown.
Hey Stephen, what is your plans for your 18 miler? I am planning on doing my 20/21 Sat morn. We can coordinate with the half-wits. I'll see if Russ can add mileage for us. Anyone else have a long run Sat.?? Please join us. The group thing really helps with the long ones.
Kim N.
OH gosh Wendy... I so wish that were the case... dehydration/heat stroke was definitely the factor... Abnormal EKG and abnormal labs proved it... That misleading energy drink? Who knows... Like Chuck Pam and Russ I was already feeling bad during my race before I had a few sips of that energy drink. :(
Oh and yes Pam, I believe we can start to taper. Thanks for asking! How's your hip?
Pam, Chuck and (again) Russ hope you have replenished! Way toooooo scary! :)
Mary, are you guys doing 12/13 on Sat.? Didn't know if you are dropping back from last week. Our plan shows a 12 miler so I think I'm going to run Tim B's. route with the halfwits. Is that what you are thinking? Didn't know since you asked someone to do a route. Some people (Kim and Steven) are adding to the route.
The 15th is our longest run. We are going to try to do 21/22/23. I don't think I'm going to make it 23 but Russ really wants to run 23 so I'll wait for him at Panera, lol. We are thinking of running the trail since it's flat and there isn't any traffic. This will be the first time we have done the trail all year so I think I can stomach it.
Em, I think my hip is something I have to live with until the marathon is over. I've rested it for 10 days (one day I ran 3 miles and stopped) and it's not getting any better but it's not getting worse, it's just staying the same. It's a real bad ache but not a striking pain so it's workable for now. I'm resting it again for two days and then I'm going to try an easy short run on Tuesday. Leah stated that my ligaments and muscles around the hip are so tight that it's pushing on the ball in my hip socket. I'm sure Leah can explain it better.
Wendy, loved the comment "Musta busted your thermostat" that's funny.
Hi all,
I just read everyone's entry. Quite the weekend we all had didnt we?
Thanks Wendy and all for reminding me the good days when we do have them. I have learned to accept bad runs when it happens. I cant dwell on it too long or I will get really depressed - LOL
Russ, glad to hear you are alright. Pam, I wish you were there to yell at me to keep my thoughts in check. You should have heard them.
Kim, thanks for hanging back with me for a short period of time. If you werent there, I seriously was considering flagging a car down for help.
Emily and Marie, thanks for running early with me. Emily no more RUI's.
All the others that hung back too, thanks for checking up on me. You have no idea how much it helps.
Im going to rest another day and try running this Tues.
BTW, my 20 year reunion was a great time. A lot of my classmates said, if they had an award for "aging gracefully", I would have won easily. All I hear was I havnt changed a bit. I think that is a good thing...you all tell Emily that!
Wow, I missed all of the fun! I was trying to hurry to get to the 8:30 soccer game. I hope everyone is recovering and nursing their injuries.
Mary, I will be happy to help with a water stop this weekend. Please let me know.
Tim/Wendy - Thanks, again, for the water and Gatorade. You're saving us all trips to the ER.
Last month I did a 12 mile run on another one of those sweat-soaked days. Checked my weight before and after. I drained my fuel belt, stopped at a couple of water fountains and still lost 4 pounds. I'm drinking a lot more since then.
Russ - Glad you're bouncing back. Glad to see you got that tent. And here I thought you and Pam were out spending my cash payment when I didn't see you at Moxo after the run.
Kim - Looks like Tim planned for the Half Wits to run the LMHM route on Saturday. We can add on 5 to their 13. I gotta check with Marie, too. Anyone else looking for 18 on Saturday?
Chuck, next time we should run together and share our nice thoughts. We can swear, yell and then laugh the whole way! lol.
Stephen, I wish I could run 18 with ya on Sat., but I better stick with 13 so I can heal. I'll wait for ya at Moxo.
Hey, I got an awesome massage today and it really helped out. You guys should invest in one or two. I'm signed up for three more before the marathon. Hope it helps!
If anyone is interested, Russ, Kim and I are running the frostbite course on Thursday night at 5:30 p.m. and then going to Xoch's, $1.99 margs! Everyone is welcome. Hopefully, someone will show up that knows the course. We'll get lost out there. Hey, Tim Mu, you live out there, you better show up! and an extra incentive is that it's going to be 84 degrees on Thursday!!!!!! We won't know what hit us!!!!!!
Marathon team color, orange? Does everyone like that color? I can't find green anywhere. I'm going to call the running center to see if they have that color.
Saturday - September 1st (ALREADY!???). My schedule calls for 13. If someone wants to come up with a 12-13 mile route - I'll the water/gatorade stops (I am not a good route picker outer from downtown.)
Mary, we already have the route. It's the LM route. Tim put it on the blog a couple weeks ago. You need to keep up, lol. I'm just kidding. I was wondering why you kept asking about the route. Tim, am I on the wrong weekend?
Orange is fine. I have one already. Kinda a burnt orange.
Kim N.
Yep, this Saturday is the LM course...so 13.1 (or so). Weather looks better, so it should be fun. We'll miss it though!
Pam, you're starting at FitClub West on Thursday, right? Count me in. Might be my last chance this year for heatstroke.
Yes, we are meeting at 5:30 at FitClub West. We are running Frostbite. Russ, Kim and I are going to go to the running Center to see about shirts for our team so if you would like to come with, that would be great. We are then going to Xoch's. Anyone else that would like to run, you're more than welcome. Should be fun!
Yes, it's me above!
I am soooo glad you can make it!! I have someone to run with! Pam and Russ don't realize but they are just a few steps ahead of me. I don't mind but I do get a little concerned it remote areas. These days my speed is hurting due to the weather but hope to improve soon. I will see you Thurs. Also, we can talk about Chi- half marathon Sept. 9th. Patty and I are taking the train up and sharing a room. Hope you can make it. We can have dinner the night before. Let me know Thurs.
Kim N.
The route for the Frostbite 10 is now on the USATF website. Here's a link to it: http://www.usatf.org/routes/view.asp?rID=158810
Enjoy yourselves, and be safe out there.
- Alan Avery
Pam, Kim, Stephen and Russ...you all are crazy running 10 miles in this heat. I envy you all. I do hope it cools a bit.
Heat and Hills = Hell, Im sweating thinking about it. Oh gosh, I just had a leg cramp on that thought.
It is suppose to be in the 80's. If it is like today, then I think we will need an alternative plan. We have to run because there are margaritas awaiting after the run at xocho!!
Kim N.
Pam, If I were home Thurs. night I would run the frost bite course, but I am going to be in Kansas City; won't be back until Friday. What time are you all going to start on Sat. morning, 6 or 6:30?
Tim Mu
By the way you,myself and Russ all had on fuel belts. Who was the one Tim B was refering to about the GAS problem?
Kim/Marie - you want to run 10 early Thursday morning instead?
Stephen, dont' be a puppy! It's going to be great outside. It's only going to be 84 degrees for the high! Like Kim said, we need our Xoch's fix also.
Tim, the GAS Tim B. was referring to was about Russ. He was having some problems on the course.
Chuck, you can make it Thursday night. Margarita's are good for leg cramps. You should drink some before and after, lots of salt for your body so you won't get leg cramps :).
Don't forget everyone, 5:30 at FitClub West. The more the merrier!
Oh, and Tim Mu., I plan on running at 6:30 with the Halfwits group. Hopefully, I won't have to do the old man shuffle at the end. I'm planning on just doing the 13.1 and not adding. If you want to add, I think Kim is going to try to run 20, right Kim? Next week, I plan on running 17 and the next week after that 22.
I'll let you know if I can join you for Thursday-arita outing. I may run with you guys for 6 miles.
I might show up for the run Thursday night. I have to check the kid schedule. If not, see you Saturday.
Sorry Stephen, just saw your blog.
We chose night because of the margaritas afterwards. Sat. will be 6:30am and we will add on. I know you have 18 and I have 20/21. Next Sunday I have the half marathon in Chi-town so if you don't run it, we'll catch up the following week. Pray the heat lifts!! I can use a decent race time!
Kim N.
I will do my best to get there by 5:30 tonight. My car is in the shop so I am going to get it after work (5:00). If they dont hold me up too long, I should be there right at 5:30. Try to stick around for 5 min. just in case. If you dont see me by then, I have been held up.
okay Russ/Pam/Steve/Chuck/Kim - I admit it. That was me - no one hijacked my pc. I missed the post from JULY 29TH about us doing the LM - I'm soooorrrryyy! Way to treat a sistah! I was just trying to ask and help out - But whatever! Not like I've been busy or anything :)
You were right, I was wrong and it only took 3 (or 4?) margaritas to admit it (though I came home and checked the blog right away!)
So, Pam - HOW'S THE HIP????
Mary we still love ya!
BTW, Pam...How is that Hip? - LOL
Enjoyed hanging out for some 'ritas on a great night of running.
Chuck, are you nuts?? What was sooo great about that run. It sucked! I woke up - both hips hurt,calfs tight and I swear I felt like something in the shin bone. Oh please, say it isn't so! I think all the running is catching up with me. To think I mentioned at the 3 - 4 mile that we do it weekly. Wow. That's pretty hilarious now. I should have turned around when you and Russ did. Smart thinking.
Kim N.
Well, that could be our once a year run instead of weekly run. I ran it once last year and said I would never run that route in a race. That course is the hardest course I've ever had to run on.
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