Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Route for Sat., Aug. 25--12 miles

Our Fall for the Half Wits training has us running 12 miles this Saturday morning. Hopefully the weather will cooperate for us a little...but hey, this is the Half Wits and weather is part of our fun!

This route will incorporate a good portion of the Lincoln Memorial course as well as a few other stretches of routes we have run over the past few weeks.

There are several stops for water/gatorade/restrooms.

Feel free to join us this Saturday. We leave from the Old State Capitol Plaza at 6:30 a.m.

And don't forget to join us at Cafe Moxo after the run!

Click here for a map of this Saturday's route.


Chazter said...

I'll try to join you guys. I may run 8 miles before hand. Ill need the group for the last few miles.

Anonymous said...

Chuck, are you doing 20? Where are you starting and what time? We are doing 20/21 also. I'm going to run as long as I feel comfortable. When I feel pain, I'm suppose to stop. Hopefully, I won't be out in bumble if I feel pain, lol.


Anne B said...

For the, ahem, less fast runners, Nancy S and I are starting at 6:00 a.m. Probably an 11:30-12:00 pace.

Anonymous said...

Pam, I did 5 miles last night and did the track workout tonite and I've got the same aches and pains in the same places as before the Howl, so I know i'm ready for a long run Sat. Let me know where to start from and what time and I will be there Sat. morning.
Tim Mu

Holly said...

If anyone is interested~ Emily, Penny, and I are running long on Friday at 5AM from Fit Club South. I am doing 10 and they are doing 20. The more the merrier...

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm feeling really guilty. All I've done for the past week and a half was eat and drink. I haven't done any exercise at all except lifting my arms to my mouth, guess there is a little bicep work there, lol.

Tim, I don't know how far I'm going to be able to run. I'm going to try to get in 20 but I don't know what to expect. Just in case I start the old man shuffle early, Russ will be there to run with you. I think the plan was to meet downtown and start running at 6:00 a.m. and try to get in three miles before we hit the halfwits group. They are running 12 so we just need to add 5 at the end. Meet at the old capitol where Tim B. stated above. He said there is going to be street closings so read above. See ya at 6:00 a.m.

Oh, Tim M. if you still want to be in the tent for the marathon make sure you bring some money for Russ. He is going to sign us up soon. It's $60.00 this year.


Anonymous said...

Tim,Pam and other 20 milers

Like Pam said we will start our long run at 6am and will run 3 miles and then hook up with Tim's group. We will follow the 12 mile route but when we get back to the finish we will run to Bunn Park and back and that will give us the extra 6 miles.

This past week has also not been good for me on training so this 20 should be a good challange. Tim, do they have cots at Cafe Moxo? I may need one.


Jennifer said...

Pam, Russ and other early birds,
I think I am going to try to start at 6:00 with you guys. I have to be at a soccer game at 8:30. I will meet you on the square in the am. Let me know if your plans change.