Monday, August 20, 2007

Abe's Amble pics from SJ-R

Click here for a link to the State Journal-Register's State Fair photo gallery for August 19. There are several Abe's Amble photos included in this gallery.


Anonymous said...

can you believe it made the front page? Kick Asphalt!!!

Anonymous said...

I saw a lot of Half Wits on the front page; mostly middle of the pack people like me. The fast runners were out of the picture, that's what happens when you run too fast; you miss your moment of fame and glory!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I like the picture of Chuck Bernardes... you can still see his gray hair! Heh Heh Heh!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Great front page of the paper!I saw Barry, front and center! Barry, are you giving out signatures? lol


Anonymous said...

for Barry's signiture i think he said it would cost you a package of twinkies or ho-ho's; he made it under an hour so he can have an award.

Barry House said...

Wow, those of us with real jobs really get behind on the comments page. Pamela, since it's you, I'm cutting my usual fee for an autograph in half. Just $100.

And anonymous, you forgot to mention that I BARELY made it under an hour. Thank goodness for chip timing!

Barry House said...

When did Chuck B. get so much gray hair?

Anonymous said...

Barry, I didn't read your time as saying "Barry, barely under an hour" You got under an hour so be proud. You did it! and you were able to talk to me also. That's the cherry on the sundae or twinkie!


Anonymous said...

Chuck, I need to look closer at your hair next time I see you. If you are turning gray, you should use olive oil on your scalp. Or maybe that is for balding? My Father in law used to rub it on his scalp and his hair stayed black until he was 70, not kidding. People made fun of him and thought it was weird but it worked! Just a thought :).


Anonymous said...

Does it have to be EVO.(extra virgin olive oil)?

Chazter said...

Yep, its a headliner (my sister is a bit immature, she is the one who hides under the anonymous posts e.g 1:45pm today). I do have gray hairs. I guess when you turn 38 yrs old, it happens. Emily likes to point it out because it makes her feel better so people dont confuse me as the younger looking sibling of the family.

Pam, I'll stick to giving $25 bucks for a professional to dye my hair. I dont want to mess with olive oil. I might slip in the shower and break a leg. Then I cant run with you anymore. But maybe Emily wants me too since I keep posting faster running times than her. - LOL

-Chuck "The Silver Fox"

Barry House said...

With all that EVOO in your hair, won't people be asking you which Italian restaurant you work for?

Emily K said...

Chuck, I think you have me confused... I really think someone else is making fun of you...

WHO ARE YOU ANONYMOUS?!?! Ya wanna peice of me???

And I am proud of my big brother, Chuck. You are such an awesome runner. Keep it strong Chuck! You make me so proud!!!

Love, Sissy :)

Anonymous said...

My husband has gray around the temples. He says he has earned every bit of them. I think gray hair is handsome! Then again, I am over 40! Keep the gray coming Chuck, shuck the bottle!

Kim N.

Anonymous said...

Just wondering... what is the correct spelling of the color or colour (gray/grey)?

Is it G-R-A-Y or G-R-E-Y?


-Em :)

Anonymous said...


You will have to use your judgement/judgment

Gray is a color
Grey is a colour

I can see why you make your brother turn Gray/Grey.

Emily K said...

Thanks for veryfying, "Anonymous".

Anonymous said...

Emily, have you been drinking? I would really like some of the drugs you are on, lol. You are way out there. I think all of this marathon training is getting to you, lol. Just giving you a hard time :).


P.S. Barry, I can't e-mail from work, that's why I'm always a day late and a dollar short, lol.

Emily K said...

Pam, no, I am just high on life like the rest of yas. :)

But I better stop... Like "ANONYMOUS" said, like my brother, (whom we all know how Chuck and I love to poke fun with eachother), I'd hate to give anyone else "gray hairs" too~~~~

But I'll sign my name...


Anonymous said...

God I hate the blog! You can't spell check. I typed grey and then went back and changed to gray. Neither looked right. I think I have been so spoiled by spell check that I have forgotten how to spell. By the way Pam, I think it is 'tread' - I have always been better at proofing than writing.

Kim N.