OK...the 2007 Half Wits is winding down. Many of us have run the LM, STL, or Indy over the past six weeks. Some of us still have the Madison half to run, but we are into the taper and we are ready run that race and have a big, fat bratwurst afterwards!
There were some comments about summer plans in the last post, but let's hear what you would like to be doing this summer.
Usually we start earlier during the warm months (6:30 a.m.?) and we often incorporate the Abe's Amble course on our Saturday runs.
I think Wendy and I are planning to run the revamped Lewis & Clark Half Marathon in St. Charles, MO on Sunday, September 16th. This is a great race and the new course looks very cool. We will probably put together a mini Half Wits training plan for this race, and hopefully many Half Wits will want to make the trek down to St. Charles.
I also know some of you FOOLS are running a marathon this fall. Not me though! My one marathon experience was enough for me and I think I will stick to halfs. But I know you will all do great if you are running a full this fall.
So, let's hear what your plans or thoughts are for the summer.
2012 Recap
I've seriously neglected this blog for no reason other than I haven't made
the time to sit down and compose something. Which is kind of sad because
2012 wa...
12 years ago
Am coming back from an injury, so it's hard to say what the summer holds. The Lewis & Clark Half for certain, possibly Chicago in October. And definitely more cross training to keep from reinjury. Mary R and I are getting into the bike groove -- a sort of Half Wits on Wheels splinter group!
I think I will try this again.
Lets try to get a huge contingent to do Muddy Buddy in Chicago..well near Chicago.
Date is Aug. 5th. Its a fun race. Find a fun partner and get down and dirty.
Chuck, isn't that the race where you were given the choice of a) using a garden hose piping water from a farm pond to rinse off or b) actually rinsing off in the pond? I'm thinking current tetanus shots are in order.
Penny Warden and I are definitely doing the Lewis and Clark marathon. Trying to talk Chuck into training it with us, (again) since he is well on his way to recoverery from his "Little Boy Roy" surgery. :):):):):):)
As for the water hoses, I was making fun of Chuck for rinsing off in the pond where the Cows bathed; little did I know that regardless of rising with the hose, the water was coming from the pond as well!!! MOOOOOOOO!!!!
Muddy Buddy was a BLAST!!!! Unless if your Jitter Bug, Bryan Glass you will get first place. (Is there ANY race that he doesn't?!?!?!?) But it really is for fun and such a great way to get together and party before and after the race without worrying about competiton nerves. I mean, come on!!! How often do you get to play in the mud? It is ONLY 6-7 miles of a mixture of running, biking and doing obstacle courses. Each leg and bike ride is only a mile long! So easy!!!
PS Anne I am so glad that everyday is getting better and better for you!!!! WHOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!!!!
-Em :):):)
I'll be running the Chicago Marathon in the fall so it would be great to have a group training for the Marathon meet on Sat mornings for long runs.
Thanks Em!!! Just today I was released to use the elliptical and to stand up on the bike (I kept getting funny looks in spin class --- I think they thought I was a slacker) and if all goes well, next week will be some easy jogging. The Muddy Buddy DOES sound like loads of fun!!! Maybe Steve would be my partner. The true test of a relationship!!!
Muddy Buddy is tons of fun - they have camping on site and a great pre-race and post-race party (last year they gave away a cool bike and the free beer was nice). Pick a cool name - dress up yourselves and an OLD bike, and get ready to get dirty. They fill up quickly - so.....
And jumping into a horse pond afterwards - just made it all the more, well, uh, interesting as did trying to change into dry clothes in my tent!
Anyone interest in camping - let's try to coordinate. It's free, but primitive, and last year we stayed up late with a few adult beverages, and ran the race slightly tired! Who needs a shower anyway? HalfWits Get Dirty, anyone? Troy and I are going...
and as far as Saturday long runs - I might be able to get down to Panera for the REALLY long runs - it would sure be a huge help for me(doing St. Charles 1/2 and CHicago.
The pond thing was the only thing that bothered me a bit. Jumping in and washing off knowing the cows or farm animals used it wasnt a pleasant thought, but after having so much mud on us and the hose coming from the pond to wash off was the same thing...why not. ;)
Everyone should try this event. Mary is the Queen Mud Bug! - LOL
So Tim B. says some FOOLS are going to do a fall marathon. I'm afraid to ask what the word is for someone that is doing a marathon in early June, Howl at the Moon in August, and finish off with Chicago in October. And just to stay loose there is Hannibal the Cannibal 10k in Hannibal,Mo. on July 7th.(the toughest 10k in the midwest.) Maybe when a person turns 60 they think they have to cram a lot into a short period of time. My summer plans also include trying to get a good tan, and doing my cross training on the golf course. Tim M
Hey, anyone who is NOT running the Madison half interested in running the Abe's Amble course on Memorial Day?
Let me know if you are interested--I've already had 3 people ask about it. Just email me at bhouse@insightbb.com.
Shucks, Chuck - you're too kind!
Suppose I've been called worse (and swam in worse, I think - ever been creek-walking in Kickapoo Creek Park - you know what I mean!)
Creek walking...is that like logging for catfish?
Tim M...I guess I would call you an Old Fool! Ha!
That sounds like quite a summer...best of luck.
And by the way, that was pretty cool of you to notice Unser at Indy. I have never paid attention to who is actually standing along the track when we run there.
And Barry...yes, that's a great idea for Memorial Day. I will put something in the e-mail and post on the blog. We actually will be back in Springfield last Sunday night, so maybe we'll run Abe's as a "recovery"!
Tim Mu... THAT is why you are one of my idols!!!! You make the rest of us look soooooooooo lazy!!! :):)
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