Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Training Runs open thread

Sorry...I was out of town for a week and not posting...

Let's open up another thread on training runs for this week...let us know in comments.


Anonymous said...

I heard Rob F is going to pace Tim M at St Charles. I have the same goal time as Tim for St Charles. Maybe I could join you two on Sunday morning. We are staying at a hotel near the starting line area.
Gary W

Anonymous said...

Gary... Good luck with your BQ time. My dad is coming down with me so we'll look for you after the race.


Anonymous said...


Me and Janet P. would like to do the tent. Will you have enough now? The Polka Race went well, I had a PR, did it in 23:32. We ran our 21 miles the next day and it was so much better than that first one on 20. Janet and I are running the half at St. Charles, and are going to put a few extra miles in after the half, and this will be our last long, long run. Yeah!!! We are planning on running Decatur Shoreline on the 21st, this is why we have changed our runs. Maybe we can get together on one of the last Saturday ones before the marathon?

Mary F.

Anonymous said...


Congrats on your PR, I'm so happy for you. I'm also glad your second long run was better than your first. We were all dying that day. I was like, I don't think I can make it through the marathon. The second long run was better for me too and I now think I can make it through, if I find a comfortable pace and run that the whole race.

As for the tent, I think we only have 4 people in the tent. I don't want to speak for Kim but I don't think she is going to do the tent. We can sign up for the tent individually and still be together in the tent. A group of 6 people would be $60.00 per person, a group of 5 would be $75.00 per person and individual is $75.00. Even if Kim did do it, we would only have five total, which would be the same price as doing it individually. Just sign up on line, under "Chicagomarathon.com" that's what I'm going to do and I hope you, Janet and Tim do also because we can be together before and after the race. If you need help signing up, e-mail me and I can walk you through, it's really user friendly.

Glad to hear you are healthly and making PR's, you will be ready for the marathon!


Emily K said...

WOW Mary!!! I no longer can keep up with you and Janet!!! I am so excited for your times!!!! You two rock!!! All this reading of everyone doing a fall marathon makes me kind of bummed I didn't do one... (Siiiiiigggghhhhhh~~) :)

Good luck to everyone that is going to St. Charles!!! Wish I was joining!!! Everyone will do so well!!! The 180 Energy Team will be greeting you at the finish line~ They will be in ORANGE~ can't miss them! Please tell them hello for me!!!

Is it Marie V that is doing the full at St. Charles? And doing the full in Chicago as well??? OMG~ I'm way over in awe with you!!!!

Muwahs and Hugs St. Charles crowd!! Whooo hooo!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I hope everyone does well in St. Charles, I will be thinking of you. Don't forget, Kari F. is running the full and it's her first marathon! Good luck, Kari! I know you will do well. Your 20 miler with us went awesome and you looked like you could have gone for 26 that day.

Emily, my sister is volunteering for the Chicago Marathon at mile 6, where are you going to be at? I hope to see ya up there, I will need all the cheers I can get. I'm sort of nervous, yikes!


Kari F said...

Pam -
Thanks!! I'm both excited and nervous and just anxious for Sunday to get here!! I'll keep you posted on how it went!


Emily K said...

Awwwww Kari! You are so awesome!!! I am so excited for you!!! Yea KARI!!!:)

Pam my olestra friend~ I am not sure yet~ I will have to talk with Lisa. I will let you know. She can hang with us. I can't wait to watch you guys!!! You can count on us to cheer ya all on!!! Whooo!! Hoo!! :)

Kari F said...

Thanks Emily!!!

Anonymous said...

You're welcome to join us (at St. Charles)! It'll either help me or hurt you, one way or the other. Call me Sat. p.m. 217-638-3354.
Tim M.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm sort of nervous for the people running St. Charles! I hope everyone is okay. As soon as anyone finds out how the race went, please post. I hope little Kari didn't get blown away with the winds. Hopefully, the winds are with everyone :).


Holly said...

They cancelled the race after having to reroute the runners due to flooding. The course was shortened to 10 miles. Marathon was cancelled. I felt so sad for everyone :( The conditions were horrible at the start but did seem to be improving. Bummer for all but everyone really seemed to be having a good time and the weather didnt really seem to be slowing anyone down (as far as I could tell).

I would still like to congratulate everyone!

We were laughing at dinner when the forcast stated "wind driven rain". We weren't quite sure what that meant...We now know!

Anonymous said...

Looking for a group to do at least 20 on September 20. I had so much fun at the Tropical Storm Ike Marathon(St Charles)that I going to Indy on Oct 18 but I need a couple of long runs.
Gary W

Kari F said...

Yep, Ike wreaked havoc this morning on the St. Charles 1/2 and marathon!! Roads were flooded so they cancelled it at 10.. and the katy trail was completely under water so they had to cancel the marathon as well..
Can't say that it dampened anyone's enthusiasm tho!! Lot's of hooping and hollering going on despite the weather!!
I'm considering Quad Cities in 2 weeks..

Anonymous said...

Go for it Kari!! You have all the training. Don't let it go to waste. Are you ready for a margarita now? Let me know when. Lets get together and do a run before your next marathon.

Sorry for all the others that also could not complete race. Good idea to jump into another soon.


Anonymous said...

Pam&Kim; I guess you are both ready for Chicago. I am in Louisville all week long, hope to be able to get some running in. Not sure if there will be time for a long run on Sat. the 20th. But the last 3 weeks have done 16,19,and 17 miles. I can always go long on the 27th. This months Runners World has several good tips about things to do and what to eat before a marathon. Let me know what you are running on the 27th.
Tim Mu

Anonymous said...

Hey Tim,

I have soccer tourn. in Peoria all weekend so don't know about a long run. Life is getting busy and harder to fit the runs in.

My calve has been sore for the last couple of weeks. Pam gave me her sore calve lol - so may not have been ready for 20 anyway. Would like to get it in sometime though.


Beautiful weather all week. Get out and enjoy it.


Anonymous said...

What time is the 20 mile group leaving from Panera West on Sept 20?
Gary W

Anonymous said...

Ok Tim, looked at the schedule wrong - the tourn. is in a couple of weeks so I will be around for the 20. Maybe I'll do a portion.


Kari F said...


I'm planning on running long Saturday the 20th too.. not sure yet how many.. maybe 18??.. And I'd be totally ready for a marg soon.. maybe thursday?

Holly said...

An apology from the lewis and clark website. I bet that this is what people were wanting from Chicago last year.

Be sure and check out video 3 of the flooding.
