Saturday, July 05, 2008

Two Great Two Milers!

Abe's Amble is still more than a month away - how about putting your training to the test? The SRRC is proud to sponsor a couple of great two mile races this summer.

The 29th Annual Women's Distance Festival, July 12 at 8:00 a.m., is held in Washington Park and is a great place for both rookie and veteran female runners AND walkers. A free Kids Fun Run for boys and girls of all ages follows the race. Women's Distance Festival is a lot of fun, featuring a mini-Health Fair, plenty of encouragement the whole distance, and women's specific custom running shirts! Register before race day and save $5.00! You'll need to register your children for the Kids Fun Run - but they are free and all kids receive something special! For more details visit their website at Oh, and guys? We're not leaving you out - we need your support! If you can volunteer, send an email to me and we'll put you to work!

The 17th Annual Carlberg Design Parade Run 2 Mile Race, to be held Thursday, August 7, kicks off the State Fair each year and runs on a flat course starting from Ethnic Village. This race is 'tag-timed' and draws a huge crowd of runners and fans alike. All registered runners receive a Carlberg Design custom logo T-shirt. It's a 'hot' and fast race, starting at 5:30 p.m., but afterwards you can enjoy all the festivities of Preview Night of the Illinois State Fair. Door prizes include SRRC apparel and 2009 memberships! This race is a bargain at only $12 for SRRC members if registered by July 31st. Volunteers are also need at this race to help with the finish line and refreshments.

Don't forget: SRRC members receive discounted entries for both of these races. Check out Foot Trails or the SRRC website for forms for both of these events and a link to online registration available through


Anonymous said...

If you'd like to volunteer, send an email to Mary at

Anonymous said...

Tim, have you decided if you are going to train for a fall half marathon? Is so, the marathoners can add to your training runs. We are trying to get a group together but don't know who is running a fall, half or full marathon.


Anonymous said...

Pam, Are you training for a fall marathon? I am training for Chicago(I here the weather is always cool in October). Rick and Ihave been doing up to 15 miles the past couple of weeks. If you get a group together let us know.
Tim Mu

Anonymous said...

Tim Mu!!!!!!! How have you been? I feel like I haven't seen you in years. Well, Kim and I are running Chicago but I've been off of running for 5 months and just started running again about 6 weeks ago. Needless to say, I'm weak and I ache all over the place and I'm not strong. There is not one mile that I don't have something that hurts, lol. I've slowed down on my long runs (9:30 - 9:45) Ran a 10 miler at 9:30 pace and a 12 miler at 9:47. I think as I add the miles, I'm slowing down. I can start off with you guys but I'll have to let you go about half way through, which is fine with me "I'll be right behind you" lol.

Kim is extremely strong this year and she can probably run your pace. What days are you guys running? Kim and I were running on Fridays but we will probably change to Saturdays to join the group. We are running this Thursday (14 miles)because Kim is going on vacation on Friday. Then next week we have a 16 miler (yikes!) What day and time are you guys running your long runs? Are you open on Sat. the 26th?


Mary L. Rogers said...

Boy - great job Chicago Marathoners-in-Training! CAn't believe you're gonna go it again! NOT ME!

BUT - I have a couple of new runners to SRRC who are looking for groups to run with. Are there any regular informal weekday or weekend runs? Post them here and I'll pass them along!

Anonymous said...

Pam, I am about 100% certain that I'm not working Thursday. Let me know what time and where you and Kim are runnning from and I will join you. How can you run 14 miles on a weekday, don't ya have to work?
Tim Mu

Anonymous said...

We are running tomorrow (Thursday)from Panera at 6:30 a.m. We are running 14 miles, if I can make it through, lol. If I die out, you and Kim can keep going. I'm just not back to myself yet but I will try to stick with you guys for as long as I can. I don't mind dropping back so don't slow down for me. See ya then!

Oh, I take VA days when I run during the week. Not taking a vacation this summer so I might as well use them on running days.

Anyone else that wants to take a VA day and run with us tomorrow, we would be happy to see ya!


Anonymous said...

OK, Got the internet back working. Thanks Pam for the compliment about being strong. I can only enjoy keeping up with you these days. I know it's only temporarily until you get your speed back then you will leave me in your dust once again! It's been nice for the time being. Thurs. 6am. sounds good. Anyone joining, we will meet at Panera for a 16mi. All miles are welcome. Come Aug. 04, will switch back to Sat. morns. Any takers????


Anonymous said...

I would be willing to join a marathon training group but long runs would have to be saturday mornings because of work during the week.

Anonymous said...

Sat the 2nd, we will meet at Panera at 6am for 18 miles, We are starting earlier because of the heat.


Anonymous said...

OK thanks Kim, I will be there, should I wear a water belt or do you have water stops planned for the route? or even better a stop by a swimming pool for a quick dip about half way would be fine.HA

Anonymous said...

Both, we always have water/bathroom stops on the route but we also wear are fuel belts. We usually end up filling up our bottles because we drink so much on the run.

Glad you can make it.... anonymous.... we always like to know who we are running with so first name and initial is fine so blog back.