Friday, March 14, 2008

Route for Sat. 3/15...7+ miles...wear your green!

For this Saturday, March 15 we have a cut-back week in advance of running the Lincoln Memorial course next Saturday (3/22). We will leave Panera West at 7:30 a.m.

Our plan has us running seven miles, so I thought we could do our 12 Ks of Christmas (it's about 7.3 miles), but instead it will be the 12 Ks of St. Pat's Day! So wear your best green running outfit to show everyone your Irish side!

We'll have hydration (probably not green beer) at the shelter in Washington Park and on the utility box near Blockbuster at Iles and Chatham Road.

Click here for a link to the map.


Anonymous said...

Tim Mu, email me at: - I know someone who is selling their spot at Indy and Pam said you may wish to run it. That would be great!!

KIM :)

Anonymous said...

Tim, glad to hear your in for Indy! If anyone else is looking for a spot shoot me an email and I will forward on to the ind. who has a spot for sale.
