Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Arctic Amble--Important Change for Saturday's Run!

This Saturday is our annual Arctic Amble. Our Half Wits training program has us cutting back to 6 miles this week, which also coincides with this weekend being six months until Abe's Amble 10k. In honor of the six month countdown beginning, we run the Abe's course as part of our training...hence, the Arctic Amble.

For this weekend, though, we have a MAJOR change for the Arctic Amble. The State Fairgrounds is closed to public while they continue to grapple with electical problems on the grounds. Since we will not be able to access the Fairgrounds this Saturday, we have a change in meeting location and a small change to the course:

We will meet at the Nelson Center parking lot in Lincoln Park (7:30 a.m., Saturday, Feb. 23). We will run the Abe's route from there. We will start by running to Oak Ridge Cemtery, then back through Lincoln Park and then east on Sangamon Avenue. Instead of entering the Fairgrounds, we will continue on Sangamon to Peoria Road then turn around and run back to Lincoln Park. This route is about 5.6 miles, so if you want to add a little distance when you get back to Lincoln Park, that is fine.

Hydration will be available at Lincoln Park and near the entrance to Oak Ridge Cemetery.

Click here for a link to the map of the route.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If anyone is on Sangamon Ave today, give us a sidewalk report please. Are the snowplows throwing heaps on the sidewalk?

I know there will be the usual 3-4 inches of snow from the sky-just wondering how much more from the street dept.