Sunday, December 02, 2007

December Saturday Social - Race to Build!


It’s not a run to the finish line…it’s a construction race
against the winter weather!

This Saturday December 8 at 8:30 a.m., stop by Panera West for a brief program overview of how you might give something back to the community during this season of giving. SRRC members and friends are invited to participate in a Habitat for Humanity project or contribute in other ways to help this great program. Blair Dial will do a brief 5-10 minute talk on the program and then we'll head over to the site to work!
Help is needed this Saturday to work on:
Landscaping & Yard Maintenance (materials provided)
Interior Finishing and Clean-Up work (no skills needed!)
Visit our ReStore (320 N. Dirksen) to volunteer with the Holiday Rush
Help is needed in the near future for:
Professional Service & Material Donations (or promises to do so)
Drywall Hanging and/or Finishing
Heavy Equipment Donations
Delivery Truck
Construction Truck for everyday use

Tool Donations
Power Tools
Tape Measures

Re-Store Volunteers
In-store volunteers
Drivers for Donation Pick-ups

ReStore Donations for resale
Kitchen Appliances
Lighting Fixtures

Food Gift Cards (to assist in feeding our volunteers on builds)

Home Repair Center Gift Cards (like Lowes)
to assist with building materials and supplies

1-year Volunteers to serve on a Steering Committee for 1 Family, 1 Build
Areas of interest include project coordinator, volunteer coordinator, food coordinator, marketing/pr coordinator, nurturer for homeowner, etc.

Updated Office Equipment
2 New Laptops for Presentations throughout Community
1 in-office computer for volunteer data entry
If you're not in the mood to swing a hammer or dig landscaping there are may other ways you can contribute. You can bring a check with you Saturday to help fund materials and services as noted above or even mail one in. You could also buy a giftcard at a food place like Panera or at a home improvement store and they can use the cards to get lunches, tools, and materials for jobs and work crews. You could also sign up with Blair to volunteer to work at the Habitat Re-Store.

Y'all deserve a break after a great Frostbite Race, so run if you want Saturday morning - but plan to finish by 8:30 so you can hear what SRRC can do for the community. You'll get a chance to see your running friends and swap Frostbite stories and most importantly give something back. Bring work clothes if you plan to work at the site!

Feel free to call Blair Dial directly at Habitat for Humanity via email or by phone at 523-2710 x13 for more info. Or contact Emily K. or Barb B. or response to this post if you need more details.

Looking forward to seeing you Saturday, December 8th bright and early!

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