It was a nice morning for a run in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin (about 30 miles west of Milwaukee) for the Lake Country Half Marathon. The photos above are the usual line for port-a-potties before the race and the finish line/chute. Runners actually finished on the outfield of a baseball field! I think there were somewhere between 600 and 700 registrants.
The temp was in the low 60s at the start and it was clear. The only problem was the race did not start until 8:00 a.m....boy that is late when we are used to running at 5:00 am during the week and 6:30 on weekends! And the sun had been up for a couple hours, so it was a little warm in the open.
The race started/finished at a new YMCA. Runners actually started in the parking lot, which was kind of tight given they kept the lot open for parking. The course ran through a new subdivision for the first couple miles then made a loop around a couple lakes. There was some very nice wooded areas which provided shade along with some open areas. The second half of the course was rolling, but no hills that would be anything more than the LM. Actually, the course really reminded me of Bloomington's Lake Run.
The course was open to traffic and the control was so-so, but nothing too bad. The water stops could have used more volunteers, but they had several bands/musicians along the course.
The last couple miles were tough for both Wendy and I. Because of the 8:00 a.m. start, it was actually kind of warm by the end, but the humidity was low, so it was not overbearing. Wendy ran around 2:06 and I ran around 1:54.
I'm not sure if I would go out of my way to run this race in the future. As often happens with mid-level out of town races, I always realize what good volunteer and race support we have in Springfield. This race certainly did not rival Abe's or the LM, but overall not a bad day for a training run.
The results were not posted as of Sunday night, but here is a link to the race website: http://www.midwestsportsevents.com/events.php?EventID=18
Nice Work, Tim and Wendy!
Hope you guys had a fun time - and nice description of the course.
Thanks for the update. Great job with the run. I hope we get the good weather in Lewis and Clark.
Sweet profile pic! What up Girl! Word to your mutha!
Good job, Wendy and Tim. I know, I'm a day late and another dollar short, like usual.
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