Monday, September 17, 2007

Chicago Training Tuesday Run

Congrats to all the St Charles runners on Sunday and a great job has to go out to Troy Rogers for an outstanding time. Have fun in Boston.

You are all probably ready to run 8 miles Tuesday night. We will meet at 5:30 at Panera West and run to Washington Park. This route was already posted so I thought we would give it a try.

I will be at SIU for work tomorrow so if I don't make it back in time for the run have fun and I will see you all Sat morning for our 12 miler.


stephen said...

I'm out of town and can't make Tuesday night. See you Saturday.

Steph said...

A quick note to the Chicago Marathoners--thanks for keeping me inspired! Bill and I keep switching the time/places/days of our long runs, so we haven't seen you (we live close to Wash Park, so it's often so tempting to roll out of bed and get started instead of driving to Panera first). I'll be thinking of you on the 7th, though! And again on the 14th, when we do ours in Toronto!


Mary L. Rogers said...

Hey all - Troy says thanks a bunch!

Not ready for 8 tonight (still recovering from St. Charles), only gonna do 5. Pam - call me and I'll take you up on that drink and run with you guys next week!

Hey Steph - Troy and I live near WP too, maybe we can get together to run.

Chazter said...

How far is it from your house to Washington Park? I am sure you have that distance down - LOL

Mary L. Rogers said...

uh, 1.64 miles from the driveway to the playground shelter :-)

You know me too well!

Anonymous said...

It's 6 minutes from my place to the shelter...but after a 1/2 it feels like 12 miles! I'm sure you feel the same Mary (;

Mary L. Rogers said...

actually, Joy, I got out and did four yesterday (Troy did a couple miles today) and I feel really good - guess I should have run harder, huh!

I THINK I'm ready for Chicago!

Anonymous said...

Russ, get the darn route on the blog. Guys, we are running 12 miles from Panera at 6:30 a.m. so anyone interested, join us.
