This is it....our last Saturday run and it is only 8 miles. For the following week our schedule has a 4 mile run on Tuesday and 2 on Thursday. The Sat. route is very familiar as it is from Panera West to the Fit Club and back and will begin at 6:30.
Unfortunately, I can not run Sat morning but plan on running Friday morning from the Fit Club South at 6:00am. I will be running 8 miles so if anybody wants to join me I will be leaving at 6:00.
Good luck to everyone running Chicago and make sure you check the CM web page for any updates.
Jeremy, I dropped off two shirts at the printers today so if you can get yours by there this week he will be able to do them all. Thanks
If anybody has some last minute advise about Chicago or running with 45,000 other runners please share your stories for those who have not done either.
I want to thank all who have been running with me during the past weekdays and Saturdays as I got ready for this marathon.... it has Really been fun. To bad I have to stick to the "motto" that "what happens on our runs stays on our runs". I have some good stories this year and not to say any names (Mary, Kim, Tim Mu, Steven, Pam) you know what I'm talking about.
Everyone, enjoy your last week of training.
Thanks Russ - it's those stories along they way that make us the runners we are. Good luck everyone - stay strong and remember...it's just a race. Enjoy what the day gives you.
See ya Saturday!
I haven't seen you guys in a few weeks - I plan to run with you Saturday. See you then.
I'm going to join Russ on Friday because I would love to sleep in on Saturday. See everyone at 6:00 a.m.! This is the last long run before the big day, YIKES!!!!!!!!!
Pam & Russ whats up with this Friday run instead of Sat. morning? Don't you know you are going to disrupt your biological clocks. I checked with several voodo priest and Marathon witches and they all seemed to think that changing a routine this close to the Big day, well I just don't want to think of what the results
could be. Good luck.
Tim Mu
could be.
I got my shirt over to them yesterday. He said he'd probably have them done by Wed next week. Thanks for reminding me, I'd forgotten about it.
Everybody else, I'll be there Saturday am.
I hope to see you there. I think that I have decided to bike instead of run. What time do the bikes take off for chicago. I am hoping to break 4 hours.
good luck everyone
Tim, it was so nice sleeping in until 8:00 a.m. this morning. I feel like a million bucks, :). Save the voodoo dolls to break this weather! We need it to be cool! Oh, I forgot, you run best in the heat.
Hope you had a good run.
Hey, Pam - while you were sleeping. Some of us were running in just right weather. The voodoo must be working. See you on the train!
Stephen, Pam is going up Fri. for class reunion but I am still going Sat. morn. Bloody Mary's in the cafe cart?? Oh yeah, I forgot why we were going up. Better make that water! Looking forward to a fun time with the race and afterwards. I had another marathon dream. (Nightmare) I showed up just after the race started and was late to start running. Then my garmen broke into pieces and on top of all that, I was too far back to even participate in the race. What is up with that? I thought I was real calm about this run but must have some hidden anxiety stored. It will all be good. See ya's Tues.
Kim N.
What's going on Tuesday Kim? Are we meeting to run 2 miles? lol. I was going to drop off Madeline at gym and run 4 miles in the park tomorrow. She starts at 5:15 so I can make it at 5:30. If anyone would like to run two times around the park. Tuesday, I was thinking of three and then Thursday 2. What is everyone else doing?
Hey, I had a dream also. I showed up to the marathon starting line with my Keds on. I looked down and thought, "Cripes! should I run in these or go back to the car and get my running shoes?" I started to walk to my car and the gun went off. Then before I knew it, it was 8:50 a.m. and I thought, could I still start running? It was bad, I missed the whole dang race :(.
Guys, we just need to think, it's just another long training run. That seems to calm me down. Then again, there's always food, lol. My thought of taking out junk food the last two weeks didn't work out. Pete came home with Take 5 and chocolate almond ice-cream! Yummy!
Well, got to go, I'm going to Hair Spray. Should be fun!
P.S. Steve, Kim is right, I'm going to my 10th year reunion :). See ya guys on Mon, Tues or Thurs, if not then, then I will see ya in Chicago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stay healthy and stay away from curbs!
Good luck to all of the Chicago runners....I wish you a speedy, safe race. All of your dedicated training will pay off.
Good luck Chicago FULL wits! You will all do so awesome! I can not WAIT to hear about all of your PR's!!! I will be cheering you all on in spirit!!!!
Hey Chicago Runners,
Is anyone going to run a couple of easy miles Thurs. evening? I should be home sometime Thurs. afternoon; a couple of miles at Wasington park at 5:30 sound okay? I was in Chicago today and the weather forcast long range sounds a lot like the forcast for here. Friday is supposed to be in the high 70's; Saturday partly cloudy high in the high 70's and Saturday night low temp only in the mid 60's. 40 percent chance of rain Sat. night. Sunday is cloudy with temps in the 70's.with a 30 % chance of rain. Seventy degrees is a bit too high but if it stays cloudy that should keep the sun from making it any warmer.
Tim Mu
okay - should it have been hard to run four miles tonight? Hmmm - add 22.2 and geez - Sunday might be a little challenging!
Good luck everyone - have a good time on the course - stay hydrated, stay cool, meet new people along the way.
Hey Russ - Troy said to wear your fuel belt - fill it up with your favorite uhhh, beverage and it'll either make you run better or make you forget how hard it it! He says good luck, regardless!
See you in Trophy Tent :-) What time are we meeting there?
Good luck to all Chicago Marathoners. I enjoyed running (when I can) with all during those warm summer mornings.
Keep us posted. You all will rock!
I'll be there tonight at Washinton Park to run. I think Pam is also going to br there. We can discuss our strategy for the marathon...I say the three of us run a third. You know how well I run in the heat.
How about 6ths. Each of our team can take 3 plus miles. I get the first 3!! I heard your forced to run a 10 + min. mile because of the 45 thousand runners. Plus it won't be 80 yet. The rest of the relay is up for grabs. What do ya think?? We will need to get our shirts re-printed with Rely Team on it. Get on that Russ!
Remember, we have run in snow, hail, rain, & extreme heat. This should be like all our training runs! Hey, I am just glad I am healthy to run it this year. It was pretty much a huge let down last year so I will be excited to participate in the 30th anniversary of the Chicago Marathon...and on Cubs play-off weekend to top things off!
Meet ya in Chicago!
Chicago Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kim N.
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