The route:
The weather should be perfect for the run with the high temp for sat. only at 67. The temp. may be cool but remember to drink your fluids and take your Gel or GU if you plan on using it during Chicago. This would also be a good time to try out your running outfit you will be wearing for Chicago so you will know where to put that body glide.
The following link is the most current news on Chicago. For your family and friends who want to track us during the race this site will give them the information they need to see where we are at throughout the race.
We will be starting at 6:00am from Panera West and it should be a great day for a little run so I hope to see many of you there.
PS Good Luck to the St. Charles contingent of Half and Full "Wits". Enjoy your day and can't wait to hear your stories when you get back.
Where are you guys getting the Endurance formula Gatorade from?
The Shell gas station at the intersection of Washington STreet and Durkin Drive sells Endurance formula in a couple of different sizes.
Everyone be careful on Ironbridge-those curvy roads and bridge crossing might suprise an early a.m. driver.
For those who might need another water stop or bathrooms on this long run, these are available at Glenwood High School. There is a row of water fountains between the tennis courts at the back of the stadium with the track. Enter at the back of the stadium off of Plummer. There are bathrooms adjacent to the concession stand (to the left of the water fountains when you are inside the stadium). I've found the stadium and bathroom doors unlocked all summer during my runs.
Ok, so we have the bathrooms covered. Where is the massage therapist going to be located?? How about the surgeon for a leg transplant half-way through. Ok Pam, I know. keep it positive. It is the F------g last long mile!! I can complain a little right??
Kim N.
Ignore the above blog. The run was actually the best we have had! Thanks to Pam, Russ, Tim, Stephen, Steve... You guys made the 22 miles go by soooo fast! I even ran w/o my ipod! I am diggin' this cool weather and so is my legs. Sorry for the pre-neg but I really needed a break from the heat/humidity and today we reclaimed our running legs. Pshyched for Chicago!
Thanks all and thank you Pam for putting out the water/power aid. You are a great marathon leader! Russ, thanks for the coordinating the printing on the shirts. They look awesome! We won't be missed running through Chi-town.
You guys make the final weeks a little more bearable and actually fun.
Kim N.
Kim, see what running without your Ipod will do. You actually did better by talking with everyone than listening to your music. You did awesome and you are so ready for Chicago, I've never seen you so strong physically and mentally! You'll do great in Chicago.
Russ, Your going to do great in Chicago too. You were so darn strong yesterday I couldn't believe it. Just don't make me laugh during the race because I won't be able to breathe and I don't want to pee my pants.
It was fun training with everyone. I couldn't have got through those long runs without everyone. Tim Mu., you got me through tons of long runs. You are strong. Which reminds me, who runs 22 miles on Sat. and then runs a 9 mile race the next day? Yes, that would be Tim Mu.!
See ya all for the 8 miler on Tuesday night!
P.S. Chuck and Emily, I sure hope your doing well right now! You're actually probably running the race right now.
Thanks for the complements Pam. The first couple of miles today made me question my sanity. At 5 miles every thing started to feel real good, so I down shifted and started to run like I am used to running. Finish time was 1:19 with a 8:30 pace. Only got 3rd in my age group, but the other 2 were not SRRC members.
Tim Mu
Ok guys, I have a terrible case of P/I on the back of my leg. Sure thought it was a good idea at the time to use the bushes on the side of the trail. Now I am paying for it!! How come it works for you Pam? At least it is the back of my leg... Lol
Kim N.
Whats the old rhyme for Poison Ivy?
If the leaves are three,
dont sit and pee? -LOL
Sorry to hear about the misadventure. Hope that rash clears up soon.
Thanks Chuck, I needed you with me Sat. to remind me. How was Sun. We were all thinking of you guys. Now you can enjoy yourself. I'll be glad when Chi. is over. It will be nice just to run a couple of miles a day at a comfortable pace.
See ya soon.
Kim N.
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