Tuesday, August 14, 2007

This weekend's route: Abe's Amble

For those training for the Lewis & Clark Half Marathon, this is a cut-back week, so our plan has us running Abe's Amble this Sunday, August 19 (10K, 6.2 miles) for our long run. We are not organizing a run on Saturday.

Abe's Amble is the largest race on the SRRC series and it is a lot of fun. The State Fair, Lincoln Park, the northend, and Oak Ridge Cemetery with Lincoln's Tomb and the war memorials make for a great race experience. And nothing beats that State Fair smell when you re-enter the fairgrounds after running about 5.5 hilly miles!!

Abe's starts at 7:30 a.m. on Sunday. Packet pick-up and late registration is Saturday, 12-5 pm at Athleticare on South Sixth Street. Registration is also available race morning in the Bud tent from 6:30 to 7:15 a.m.


Barry House said...

Oh, absolutely right, Tim! NOTHING even compares to that State Fair bouquet as you re-enter the grounds. It's a unique mixture of deep-fry oil heating up and livestock manure piling up. On race day there's also a certain amount of human sweat in the mix.

God help me, I love it so!

And the Grandstand never looks quite as lovely as it does when you're nearing the end of Abe's Amble and you know the finish line is at the far end of the Grandstand.

Can't wait til Sunday!

Anonymous said...

Barry - this is your race! Keep it strong!

Anyone who can help unload a couple of trailers into our new house on Monday - we could sure use the help. We'll start at 5:00 p.m. and it shouldn't take too long if we get enough help. We'll feed and water ya, even!

If you are available, email me at rogers_01@msn.com. Thanks in advance - you guys are awesome!

Mary R

Anonymous said...

Ok, totally off the subject....... I was looking at the '06 marathon training pics (Xocho) because I am starting to get pumped for Chi. marathon. I saw Robin in one of the pics. I miss our dear ole' Robin. Has anyone seen or heard from her? I know she developed a stress fracture after the Chi. marathon but would love for her to join us for coffee and a bagel after a long run. R U still out there???

And Jen G. email me. Just because your not training for Chi. this year doesn't mean ya can't join us for Miles and Margaritas!! We had a nice time last Tues. Nice way to top off the eve. of a completely sweaty run!

Kim N.

Chazter said...

You missed my faux b-day celebration at Miles and Margaritas function. I had to wear a sombrero and do a shot...twist my arm.

I owe the Shaefer girls for this lil trick they pulled on me.

Anonymous said...

I heard them all singing but had no idea it was a pimp on you! Sorry I missed it. That was the cheapest night I got off. 8 bucks for a couple of top shelf margaritas, chips and white cheese. I'm def. going back. How about you?

Kim N.

Anonymous said...

I've heard from Robin a couple times via email - she's doing well, but can't run a lot right now due to a knee injury. She misses all of you too...

Mary R.

Anonymous said...

Now wait a minute, Chuck. How many birthdays do you have in one year? I remember buying you a chocolate chip bagel or something like that a couple months ago for your birthday.


Chazter said...

I guess after you turn 35, you are suppose to have a weeks worth of b-day. But this year I actually only celebrated it once...the gall.

Molly and Patty Shaefer punked me that night, so I went along with it. I couldnt fight it, I was surrounded by singing Mexicans and those sombreros are hard to get around.

Steph said...

Truly, there was something in the water (or Marg. mix) that night. Bill & I were there with some UIS folks and practically paid pennies for our several drinks. I think it had something to do with our single friend that one of the waiters took a shine to??? He tried in vain for a phone number, poor guy!

Oddly enough, we've been around for BOTH of Chuck's birthdays this year!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mary for the update. Let her know we are thinking about her.

Kim N.

Anonymous said...

Okay Chuck, you are off the hook, since you were punked, lol.

Steph, that's funny that you made it to both of chuck's birthday parties this year, lol. Wonder if Chuck will have a third? Chuck, you know at Darcy's you get a huge drink on your birthday. We can all celebrate your third birthday this year and ask for several straws, lol.


Anonymous said...

What? Darcy's has a free b-day drink? How did I miss it? Pamela you doing it with me?

Steph and Bill always there at the right time!


Anonymous said...

Hey Chuck - you only went along with it cause of that fire drink - how did you do that with the straw? Good thing you didn't catch the sombrero on fire :)

Mary R