Monday, August 06, 2007

Frost Toes kicks off September 29!

Thanks to Barry House and Dwayne Blisset for organizing our first-ever training program for the Frostbite 10 miler!

The plan is for the program to begin on Saturday, September 29, 7:00 a.m. at Panera West for a 5 mile run.

By Barry and Dwayne stepping forward with this program local runners can choose from training programs for a 10k (Abe's Army for Abe's Amble), a 10 miler (Frost Toes for the Frostbite), and a half marathon (Half Wits for the LM).

This means we now have progressive training programs throughout the year which take people from a 10k to a half marathon in about 10 months! Just keep it with us folks. We'll get ya through it!

This is all done through the great volunteers we have with the SRRC!

Check out the Frost Toes blog and get ready to FREEZE!

Oh...and another thing...don't forget to check out Barry's letter to the editor--Confessing an awful truth--in the latest Illinois Times!!!


Anonymous said...

Barry did you mention the most important part of the FAIR ??? THE 2 ROAD RACES shame on you forget about the honey icecream corn dogs, taffy and get your priorities straight!! On second thought. I will give you credit, I spend more time eating at the fair than i do running it, enjoy the fair. I am a state employee with no check so I will be the one booing the governor!!

Anonymous said...

I’m Holly, and I also love the Illinois State Fair. Would go every day if I could drag my friends and family with me.

I am so excited that my daughter will always have a birthday during the fair. I was on my way to the fair when I decided we must first stop by the hospital :)

Barry House said...

Hospital? Come on, Holly, you coulda delivered at the First Aid station at the Grandstand. Or at one of those health screening booths in the Illinois Building.


My love for the fair lead indirectly to my life as a HalfWit. I wanted to run Abe's Amble because it is part of the fair. Then Butler coaxed me into training for a half marathon, and the rest is misery . . . .


Mary L. Rogers said...

Barry - totally loved this article! Oh my gosh - you love the fair as much as I dislike it(can't take Detroit City outta this girl - Lord knows people have tried! So exactly how many political buttons, emery boards and chip clips do we need? And a cow made outta butter???)

Well, I don't totally hate it - you see they have a wine tasting tent (like I need to taste it - I'm pretty familar with how wine tastes - all the different colors, too!) and after eating deep-fried cheesecake last year on my extended lunch hour (might as well do it again this year - not getting paid, huh!) I realized there just might be something to this whole State Fair thing.

Make sure you tell your Abe's recruits that there is something more unforgiving than the Illinois sun and humidity in August for a 10K - it's the smell of donuts that you take with you out the front gates on your way to the cemetary. Fortunately - if you run very fast and are very lucky - there just might be a few of those donuts left when you get back.

Great job on the article!

Anonymous said...

Barry I LOVED your article!

I know I already mentioned this to you, but the best part is imaginating you jumping up and down at the ticket booth. Now I want to see THAT in person!!! LOL!!!

-Em :)

Holly said...

Here is my top order of food that I must have Thur night~

1)Jalepeno cheese stick
2)vinegar fries
3)fried smores (the best ever)
Followed by a bag of Tom Thumb Doughnuts to take home.

Can you say long run this weekend...

Anonymous said...

How about Crestor, Lipitor, Caduet, Vytorin, Zetia, TriCor, etc... LOL!

(all cholesterol meds!)


Tim said...

BBQ from the 17th Street Bar & Grill (two State Fair locations: Conservation World and on Illinois Ave.). Owner Mike Mills has been named one of the top three BBQ "pit masters" in the U.S.


Barry House said...

Oh yeah, the pulled pork from 17th Street melts in your mouth. And pork is, of course, heart healthy. Right, Em?


debi m said...

I looovveee the Illinois State Fair. Growing up on the north end, really makes you a fair lover. I remember going with my parents, as a young kid, and then with my friends, and boyfriend (now husband) during highschool. My fair menu consists of a Vose's corn dog, vinegar fries(extra vinegar), a little fried cheese curds, and for dessert, tom thumb donuts. All of that washed down with a diet soda of course. I am just bummed that they took away the double ferris wheel. About 6 years ago Abe's Amble also became part of my annual fair experience.

Hope to see you all on the 19th.

Anonymous said...

I am so upset! My fried smore stand is GONE! Let me know if anyone spots it or other yummy fried desserts :)


Chazter said...

I used to love eating cheese curds after a good night of drinking and had no problem polishing those babies off...but if you try to eat those sober, it is not the same. I didnt remember munching down all that batter and grease before - LOL.

Seriously...Fried whatever on the stick??? Whats the new rave this year? Corn dog is about as far as I go on a stick.

Anonymous said...

Barry, I sure like pancakes with lots of butter and syrup, cfan you arrange to have a grill going at the end of the frost toes training runs and we could grill up a stack right there!!!!!!