I'm sorry I haven't been out here sooner with the Sat. long routes but have been having trouble getting on the blog. This Sat from Panera West the Chicago Marathon group and all others wanting a long run we will be starting at 6:00am. I know Kim it is early but your such a good morning person. The route takes us to some new scenery down Cockrell Lane and Panther Creek which we haven't run yet this year. For those not yet to 18 on their training schedule you can cut the first 2 mile loop out or cut out Panther Creek for an even shorter route.
here is the route: http://www.usatf.org/routes/view.asp?rID=148409
Next Sat. we cut back to 12 miles and I think Tim already has a route from downtown and he will post later next week.
Pam will be in charge of this run because I will be running Friday morning and Sat. I will be heading to Alpine Valley to watch Jimmy Buffett. Have Fun on the Run and I will have a margarita thinking about you all.
2012 Recap
I've seriously neglected this blog for no reason other than I haven't made
the time to sit down and compose something. Which is kind of sad because
2012 wa...
12 years ago
ParrotHeads Rule!
I was on my way to work this morning around 9 AM on Isles Road right by the Sonic restaurant. It was raining pretty good~~~ I look over to my left and I see somebody running. I thought to myself... Hmmm... has to be a half wit to run in this kind of weather!
Well whattaya know! It was our very own, Mr. Russ! He looked so studly running with his fuel belt on, bearing the rain wind in his face!!! GOOD JOB RUSS! Way to make us proud! :)
-Em :)
Hey guys, the Panera West group has been going back and forth about the time. It is going to be 6:00 a.m. so set your alarm clocks! We are doing 18 miles for anyone who is interested. Hopefully, this humidity will go away but we have been lucky on our Sat. runs, it's been so nice and cool for July.
Tim, we will catch ya next Sat. for your 10 mile run. We are going to add 2 miles to your route.
See ya all soon,
yes, I agree, the fuel belt is a very studly look. LOL!
See all y'all marathoners next weekend!
Ask Russ what's in that fuel belt - wonder what keeps him on the roads? And he won't share, either!
Parrotheads - definitely rule!
Kim N.
Just heard there was a runner attacked in Champaign IL at 5:30am!! Desc. not the same as our guy but obviously a trend among perps. Be carefull early am!! My sis' was running today in park around 9am and some heavy set guy next to his beat up silver car was doing push-ups. Had blue jeans on. Bet ya he was not there to excercise. She ran the other way.
Will any of the groups tomorrow have people at 8-8:30 pace runners? I need to know b/c I don't want to show up and end up running alone around the lake. Thanks,
I hope your sis reported this to park police. Even if you think desc doesn't match, all info is important! People interpret what they see VERY differently, could have been same guy and he managed to change his look. Also, copycat crimes usually occur right after the initial crime. Don't hesitate to report suspicious activity. The police use this kind of info to determine territory. They CANT have TOO MUCH information. We are their eyes and ears! Call Judd!
I'm sure glad is wasn't humid today or I would have died out there! Oh, I am dead and went to heaven in my ice bath! Crap, it was a very hard day to run. I didn't think I was going to make. We ran 19.1 and it was suppose to be 18, and I felt every 1.1 of those miles. I'm not insulting the route director (Russ you did a very good job)but to everyone who ran this morning, congrats! You made it through a very humid day :).
Hopefully, next week won't be as bad as today. See ya all next week and I really hope everyone survived this morning :).
the front page of the saturday springfield paper says it is handing out free whistles to all female runners.
Hey, can the Half Wits help me pass the word around that next Saturday, Aug 4, is the LAST CHANCE anyone has of doing a practice run on the Abe's Amble course. I know this doesn't really fit into the schedule for marathoners and half marathoners, but if you know anyone who wants to practice the hills on the course, next Saturday is their last chance. Well, technically, they could go out Sunday, but I'm putting water out on Saturday.
Anyone running Sunday is on their own. ;)
Thanks, Half Wits!
If your ice bath was like heaven I am sure you forgot to put in the ice. I assure you that I put ice in mine and some of the words that I was screaming had nothing to do with heaven. I hate to admit this but an ice bath after a long run really does work. But heavenly not so sure about that.
Tim Mu
lol, that's funny, Tim Mu! I was screaming the same words as you, I'm sure! I was thinking "only 5 minutes, only 5 minutes" but I did get used to it and lasted about 15 min. I did feel good this morning, just a little tight in the hams but not sore. I'm going to do this after ever long run. The only thing is, we went to a party Sat. night and went to fill the cooler and I used up most of the ice, Oops! Pete was not happy with his warm beer, lol. Looks like I'm going to have to buy bags of ice.
P.S. Thanks Roger, for the great idea. I've heard about people doing it but never knew anyone that actually did it.
Uh..I think we need a ParrotHead update Russ!
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