Saturday, June 16, 2007

Steamboat wrap up

We had a great crew at Steamboat today...and we even did a little partying afterwards. It looks like there was upwards of 80 Springfield area runners up there!

Several SRRC runners came away with awards, including Half Wits Mary Rogers and Bob Thompson!

The new timing chip used today was created by a Peoria-based company-- IPICO Sports--who has come up with this system as a cheaper alternative to ChampionChip.

Check the Steamboat Classic results at Online Race Results. These are the same folks who timed the LM this year.

So, let's hear from some of the Steamboat runners!


Hundreds of Steamboat pics!

Check out Steamboat pics from the Peoria Journal Star.
Read a description of the 15k route from the Journal Star (with a quote from Half Wit Patty Schaefer!).
More coverage: Men's four mile, women's four mile


Mary L. Rogers said...

I looked at all the results this morning and SRRC had a great showing in Peoria - not only in a few awards, but in really decent times in both the four mile and the 15K.

I had never been to this race before and was surprised by the "big race" feel it had! I was totally unprepared for the hills in this course - as soon as I saw the first hill - I threw my goal time right out the window! I am glad I ran the 15K and would definitely do it again. The run through the park, while challenging, was really pretty cool. The post race party was fun.

Thanks "Tall Paul" and Marie for getting me through the tough parts - and to the Stahls for hearing my name called 'cause I was too busy talking apparently!

Congrats to everyone on your personal bests, awards, and a great time over all! With the top times at 17:54 (4 mile) and 48:55 (15K!) - this was truly a race to be respected!

Anne B said...

Did anyone see this news clip about the blackbirds in Peoria attacking runners? Killer hills AND killer birds!!!!!

Tim said...

Luckily, the bird left the scene by Friday afternoon. This was right at the start line of the race. It would have been crazy out there Saturday morning with the protective mama bird and 3000 runners!!!

Aaron said...

I ran up on Joy just a little before the 2 mile mark and I must have surprised her because she made a furious surge after the water stop and I never saw her again. The humidity was a little rough and I was beginning to wonder if they had water on the course. I hadn't run Steamboat in about 8 years but I think I'm going to have to try to keep the weekend open from now on.

Where was the beer? I couldn't find the beer. I found the water after the race but I wanted some barley and hops in it.

Emily K said...

Aaron, You couldn't find the beer because Mary probably drank all of it, celebrating her victory!!! She's known to be such a lush!!! HA! Whooo Hoooo!!!

Great job to everyone that ran Peoria!!! SRRC is so awesome!!! How come we don't compete against other clubs???? We would so ROCK!!! I checked out the results... I can't believe all the SRRC people that had went. It seems it was almost like a mini Indy reunion! :)

Congratulations to the fab four that finished Grandmas Marathon in Duluth this past HOT weekend! Tim Mu and Steve Jones, you two are definitely far from running like Grandmas!!! Who were the other SRRC members that ran it with you? From the other post, blogger jogger (whom I am sure is really a fast runner!) didn't list his name. :):) Brag it up!!!! Let's hear your stories!!! :):):)

Also thank you Commish Pamela and Commish Russ for coordinating this past weekend's long run. Penny and I was not able to run the whole thing with yas but glad we were able to see yas in Wash Park and hang out afterwards at Panera!

Anonymous said...

Everyone did great at Peoria! It was a hot but fun run. Carl had a good race - strong all the way through that 15K! I thought it was hard to race in the humidity for the first time. The runs all week were hot so I thought we would be used to the heat but not quite. I had to drink a lot of water to make up for even that small of a race. Good job to all who placed and all who gutted out a hard and hot 4 mile or 15K!!

Anonymous said...

check out Katie's blog for the track workouts...we are going to Boon's after the workout and she also mentioned the Women's Distance Festival needs volunteers...

Mary L. Rogers said...

anyone have any pics from Steamboat? Could use them ASAP for the newsletter. SEnd me an email if you have any.
Thanks a bunch!

Mary L. Rogers said...

Joy - I'm with you - it was HOT out there! The only way I stayed cool was by dumping water over my head and down my back (oh, yeah - that looked cute!). But the misting machine they had set up? Good idea, but after I ran through it, I couldn't see out of my sunglasses!

Great job out there, Joy and all the SRRC runners - it was fun being there with all of you, and yeah - Carl was smokin' hot on the course! Amazing that I wasn't even to the 10K mark when he crossed the finish line. Truly and amazing race, huh!

btw EMILY - I only drank two beers. You weren't there to be a bad influence on me and I had to behave! Dang I missed you :-) Thanks, Tim and Wendy - Goose Island beats warm draft beer anytime!

Anonymous said...

The reporter did put a few words in my mouth. All props to anyone that did either the 4 mile or the 15K (both are definitely worth the drive).

The part that he did get word for word was when I said "Tough as all get out." (Who says that?!? I guess I do immediately after a 15K).

I did not partake in the beer, but loved the new Diet Pepsi Max.

Great job to everyone that ran!!

patty schaefer

Anonymous said...

answering Emily's question the other two runners were John Kuhlman and Jim Alexander; the race was hot hot hot with a high for the day around 80 degrees. one picture that will always stay in my mind was just past 14 there was a guy lying flat on the ground with people standing sround him. he was conscious but had heat exhaustion and the ambulance was coming down the road. I heard people talking after the race they treated about a hundred runners that day. All the women got a rose as they crossed the finish line. some of them just tossed them aside so i collected them all and took my wife home a bouquet of roses.that made up for me being gone for the weekend!

Anonymous said...

I loved this race! I did the 4 miler, and yes, the heat was a factor, but the beer never tasted so good afterwards! Great route, great food and drinks at the after party, great scenery on the riverfront, too! I only have one regret. Didn't account for how crowded the race would be. We lined up too far back and were blocked in for the first two miles! My finish time definately reflects that. Oh well, live and learn.

My favorite part was the local volunteer firemen brigade, running in formation in FULL GEAR!! One kid was running alongside them and asked "Hey, is it hot in there?" The fireman answered "YUP" and a small ripple of laughter went thru the crowd at that remark. Everyone was cheering them on as they passed by. My heart swelled with pride seeing these guys bear the pain as a team, the American flag up front, waving in the breeze as they jogged on. At the after party, I saw one of them in the crowd and just had to go over and shake his hand, tell him "Good job!" and let him know how much I appreciate ALL first responders who dedicate their lives to keeping us safe. (Sorry, I got off the subject there!)

I gotta say, how cool is it to go to an out of town race and see so many familiar faces smilin' in a sea of strangers!! SRRC ROCKS! I will definately be back for Steamboat next year! But next year, I have a goal. I want to be like Mary R. and experience the hills on the 15K! Mary, your my hero!

Jenni G

Anonymous said...

Jogger, Anyone that runs 26.2 miles in this heat definitely deserves a medal of bravery! WHEW!!! You guys are tough, tough, tough!!! I was sweating just reading your blog! I am sooooo glad that you guys made it through safely!!! ;)

Jen G, God luv ya! :)

-Em :)

Mary L. Rogers said...

hey Jen - thanks! When I passed the fireman (and it was inspiring to run "with" them), I said, "Man, you guys are putting out some heat!" And one said, "Ma,am, that's kinda our job." So funny - but "MA'AM"??????