Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Morning Run! Half Wits Whine!

How about a nice 6.2-mile run Monday morning, May 28, in observance of Memorial Day?

We'll meet at the Grandstand on the state fairgrounds at 7 and run everyone's favorite 10k course. The Abe's Amble course goes right through the war memorials area of Oak Ridge Cemetery, and you can pay your own respects to all those who have given what Abe called the "last full measure of devotion" for all of us.

This is a completely casual run, which means you need to bring your own water, Gatorade, white wine, or whatever you like to drink on a morning run.

It's a nice way to gear up for Abe's Army, a good way to get in a decent run over the holiday, and a unique way to remember those who fought for freedom. See you there!


Tim said...

Barry: thanks for posting this! Don't know if we'll be there Monday morning (Madison is on Sunday and we'll be home late Sunday night) but this is a great way to celebrate Memorial Day!

Barry House said...

Tim, I hope you and all the Half Wits who are going to Madison have a great run!

Anne B said...

I may run part of the course, maybe bike the rest. Thanks for coordinating this, Barry.

Good luck to everyone going to Madison!

Anonymous said...

Good luck Madison runners! Enjoy WI it's beautiful there. Have fun and let us know what the race is like.

Emily K said...

Have fun Madison runners! You ALL will do awesome!!! Don't forget to tell us how GREAT you did when you get back!!! :):):)

Anonymous said...

Good Luck to All in Madison and enjoy it !!! The weather looks like it will be clearing up just in time for the race.

Is anyone running tommorow? I'm up for a long run ...

Emily K said...

HI Marie!
Penny and I will be meeting at 6:30 AM at wash park shelter for 10 if anyone is interested. :)
-Emily K :)

Anonymous said...

I wish I would have read the blog earlier. Hope you both had a great run. I only did three. It's the first Saturday i've slept in since January. Emily my email is Mvonde@att.net. I'm training for Chicago so I need to step it up :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, how did the abe's memorial run go?

Barry House said...

Hi, anonymous!

The Memorial Day run was great. We had a good crowd (my guess was around 30 people--did anyone count noses?) and a nice run. The weather was weird, with a cool temperature but very humid air.

We missed you. Everyone was saying, "I thought anonymous was gonna be here today."
