Thursday, March 08, 2007

Route for Saturday 3/10

We cut back to seven miles on Saturday. We'll run a little different route this week...out on the Wabash Trail then back through Seven Pines and Westchester.

Here's a link to the map:

And I hate to say it...but it looks like we might have our best temps to date!


Anonymous said...

Hey Stephen,

Are you running Sat. morn? Sorry I haven't run with you the last few runs. Seems my training has taken me a different direction. Sat. I'm doing just the 7 so hopefully we can run together. Same with Pam & Tim. Love to run with you guys again.

See ya there!

Kim N.

Anonymous said...

Does everyone just run at thier own pace or do you stay together as a group? What time at Panera?

Anonymous said...

Everyone runs at their own pace, fast or slow. We all meet at 7:30 PM, Panera West. Cya there!

Anonymous said...

The nice thing about the group is their always plenty of people running at various paces, so you can pick your pace and still feel like your never alone. Also, the group meets at 7:30 AM.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I didnt see you guys today. I set my clocks ahead last night instead of tonight and got to Panera an hour early. No one showed up so I thought it was cancelled. I was tired anyway, so I just drove the course.