Sunday, July 23, 2006

HalfWits Gone Wild - 1/3 Of The Way Towards The Starting Line

Today begins Week 6 of our novice marathon training plan. This week the schedule again calls for two three mile runs and one 5 mile run and a long run of only 7 miles. Even though this week our mileage drops back slightly, it's important to continue your cross training - whether it be weights, biking, swimming, or aerobic-type classes. Mileage will begin to significantly increase next week, so enjoy the break! After this week,we'll have completed more than 100 miles of HalfWits Gone Wild training!

I'll post more on our long run for Saturday later this week. We had planned to run the Abe's Amble course, but due to the events at the fairgrounds, this may not be possible. Check back for more information.

  • A huge thank you to Bob and Robin Dickerson for last weekend's Breakfast By the Pool. It was a great way to relax after our ten mile run on the Lost Bridge Trail.
  • Another huge thank you to Terry Fairclough (and everyone who helped look and spread the word) for finding the remote to my car that I lost somewhere along that five mile route.
  • The Lost Bridge Trail run was a lot of fun as we joined up with several other SRRC members - they are all honorary HalfWits now!
  • Order forms for HalfWits Gone Wild shirts were emailed to everyone yesterday. If you did not receive one, send me an email ( The shirts, designed by Carlberg Designs, feature the infamous HalfWit logo on white, sleeveless, dri-release material. The cost is $17.50. Orders are due by August 1st.

See you on the road! Mary


Chazter said...

I wish I could have attended it. Unfortunately, I had to take off shortly after our run and head down to St. Louis.

It was great to see everyone for a cool morning jog. For once, mother nature was good to us.

Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.