Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Name that rear!

OK, I apologize in advance for this, but some of us have talked about this for a while...thinking it would be a great addition to the SRRC newsletter, so I thought we would kind of try it out here.

You know...us runners are almost more likely to know a person from how they look from behind (or from their running style) than if we see them face to face. The idea is to match runner's butts with whom they belong to.

Here's our first stab at it. If you can name this person you will have our undying gratitude...and maybe a little extra water at our water stops!


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm.... I say TIM BUTLER'S!!!

Anonymous said...


Sanya said...

Wears a Garmin and a some sort of strap-on. Hmmm....

Anonymous said...

You are SOOOOO close!!!! (minus the strap on) LOL!

Anne B said...

I have no idea whose butt that is, just wanted to say that I spit coffee all over my monitor at work when I saw the headline...:=D

Anonymous said...

Would someone please tell me what is wrong with my husband? He's going around taking pictures of random womens' behinds. I think I need a another trip to Tiffany's for this one.

Anonymous said...

It's not me. I'm more Amish built than that! But thanks for the compliment. Plus I only run in the cover of darkness at 5am these days.

Anonymous said...

I know who it is. Tim, I remember us talking about this lil fun project, but did you have to start off with her?

I am mentally scarred.

Anonymous said...

HA HA HA! I KNOW who wrote that last comment! Real funny "Los"

Tim said...

OK...here's a hint. Maybe this should be the shot for the next billboard?

Anonymous said...

Is that Emily?

Tim said...

anonymous 7:10 am...I will neither confirm nor deny unless you let us know who you are!

Sanya said...

Anonymous - Take the glory, reveal yourself!

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed, Tim! You are SO.... creative. Half pictures for Half Wits!!!

Emily K said...

Hmmmmm....... well Tim?

Tim said...

Sorry...I have never shaved my legs...but you never know what might happen when the Half Wits gather after a race!!!

Mary L. Rogers said...

I thought it was Barry, but he said he doesn't have a Garmin.

Oh, this was the topic today - everyone was looking at everyone else's butts today - pretty comical. Instead of Halfwits Gone Wild T-shirts - we should get shorts! Anyone up for that????/

Anonymous said...

Well... I was there at the race. If you would have seen "my attire" it would have been a dead give away!

Some confronted and guessed me at the race~~~~ A person told me to turn around and then said, "Nope!"

Thanks Tim for making my ass shot so popular???? I guess...

Anonymous said...

PS: Mama would "not" be proud! LOL!

Anne B said...

Can we get shorts???? Think how fun that will be at Chicago.

Pamela said...

Alright, I can't take this anymore, who is it?! Tim, give us another hint or tell us the person already. There should be a time limit for this sort of stuff, lol.

Sanya, how are you doing girl? I hope you're healing well. I miss ya and hope to see you soon. Running is just not the same without you so take good care of that foot and make a fast recovery!

Tim said...

It's everyone's favorite FitClub billboard person...oh, yeah, Jan and Duane were on a billboard also.

Glad to know I can provide something so important to our club members!

Anonymous said...

I have no clue who this behind belongs to. But thank God, I'm a slow runner!! Helen K.