Okay, the official start of the 18 week program starts this Sunday, June 18. The week calls for three 3 mile runs, followed by a long run of 6 miles on Saturday. Of course, you are welcome to do more during the week as Abe's Army, Jack's Track Workouts, and group runs from Washington Park may have you doing a bit more mileage than Hal Higdon's plan has you doing. As a beginning marathoner, remember that your goal is to finish and is to be injury free. Overtraining is the number one cause of running injuries so be careful out there!
We'll meet Saturday (June 24th) at the fairgrounds at 7:00 a.m. to run the Abe's Amble course. There are drinking fountains in Lincoln Park, though I would suggest that you invest in some type of Fuel Belt if you think you are going to be running on routes where water is not readily available. There are also several big hills for those of you not used to running this course, so it will be a challenge for all of us (though the challenge of running 10 miles in the Florida heat and humidity kicked my butt this morning - I learned all about the importance of hydration! - I refilled my fuel belt at mile 7!!) I know about as much as the rest of you, but am excited to be training with a group of not only beginners - but experienced runners who know all to well the trials and triumphs of training for a marathon.
Oh, and a great book I'm reading is the Non-Runners Guide to a Marathon. It talks a lot about the psychological training that's involved in tackling a mission this huge. See you all next week~~Mary
2012 Recap
I've seriously neglected this blog for no reason other than I haven't made
the time to sit down and compose something. Which is kind of sad because
2012 wa...
12 years ago
You sound like a seasoned professional training leader! I think you've just become the official apprentice for the next big SRRC training group.
I commend you for taking this on. You're going to have alot of fun and I'm sure everyone's going to greatly appreciate you coordinating this training program for them.
Good luck!
well, I'll certainly need everyone's help. It's going to be awesome to do this all together and from halfwits I've learned that the power of the group is absolutely amazing and gives people such confidence that they are not doing it all alone... Thanks, Wendy - I'll be calling on you for routes, water, etc., Okay???
that was me....Mary R
Anytime. Tim and I have been adding some miles on before we run the Abe's course, so you're welcome to do that with us as well. We did 9 miles last Saturday so we'll probably cut back to 6 or 7 this week and then go up to about 10 miles next week. We just run early and start at 7am for the Abe's course. The hills are a great workout and there's lots of people to run with.
I haven't done any hills since HalfWits - so I'm a little worried about them. Running on the sand and flat courses doesn't compare or prepare, so I'll be bringing up the rear this Saturday, I'm sure. see you Saturday - where at the fairgrounds exaclty do you meet?
I have never worried too much about following the "minute or so slower pace" idea. I agree on pace for a marathon. I had a goal time, but the big thing is FINISHING!
For the training runs I would just go out and run, making sure that you start out at an easy pace so you will have something to get you through the longer runs. This is where the group thing really comes in handy. It worked for the Half Wits...it will work for the marathon.
Did everyone get the podcast from Hal Higdon and the Chicago Marathon?
He says "Run your first marathon for a good time, run future marathons for a faster time." I love this advice as it takes a lot of the pressure off. I have no idea what a marathon pace for me would be either, except to get through each run comfortably, smiling, and still on my feet, and of course, having a good time with all my friends...... That's what the power of the group is all about.
Here's the link to the podcast: http://www.chicagomarathon.com/page_rss.aspx
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