Friday, April 21, 2006


Sanya asked me earlier in the week why I had not posted any pictures from last Saturday. Well, here you go. Hope you are over your problems from Thursday's run Sanya!


Tim said...

You mean the ones that were posted here, or the rest of them?

If you are looking for the ones which were here, click on the archives for April and you can find them.

As for putting a cd together of pictures, well, that is in the works when some of us lazy bums get around to it.

Chazter said...

Go Sanya! Go Sanya! Go Sanya!

It's your birthday, shake your booty!!!

Nah, just kidding about the birthday, just felt like adding that line.

Piece of cake of a run wasnt it? Just another mile, ho-hum.

Mary L. Rogers said...

Hey Pam - I'd sure like to get some pics - can I get a copy of the CD? I'd love some of the group!

Sanya said...

Well, well, well - it sure was thoughtful of Tim to post such an attractive picture of me.

I had to hurry up and pass him to today, so I'd be back before he got his dirtly little hands on his camera.

Just remember, I KNOW PHOTOSHOP!

Great run today everyone! Fourteen felt like a piece of cake. That was before I got home and started cleaning. I can't bend over!

This could be a good thing. HA!

Mary L. Rogers said...

That was an awesome run, except of course the last two miles - I feel ready now for Indy! Sanya - you always look so good after you run1

Thanks, Ron and Mary F - we sure kept in strong and the company and conversation made all the difference today!

Anonymous said...

Toady's run was something. Closest I have ever come to a wipeout, uneven sidewalk jumped and woke me up, not to mention my 2 running partners.Glad to say the miles are behind me,swinging my leg over to get on the Harley took some work.LOL

Anonymous said...

I am going to have to post this anonymously!
Humm guess who…

Gosh she is gorgeous - Sanya, will you marry me?