Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Indy Tent Info

For those going to Indy, I have a map of the tent/post-race area as well as some other info. Make sure you get it from me at one of our runs. I will also try to post the tent area map if we can get it scanned.

We are tent number 19, "Springfield Road Runners", located on the north-end of the running club tent area (which is the west-end of the post-race area). There are information kiosks throughout the post-race area at which you can also find maps on race day.

We are looking for "tent hosts" to keep an eye on things while the race is going on. Our tent is very near the spectator viewing area at the finish line, so spouses, friends, kids, etc...can go back and forth between the finish area and the tent. If you have friends or family who will be with you but not running the race, and if they would be interested in being a "tent host", please let me know. I just want to make sure we have a few volunteers who will look out for people's belongings while we are out running.

The tent area opens at 5:30 a.m. on race day (the race starts at 7:30 a.m.). Don't forget to change your watches/clocks as well. Indy is now on EASTERN time, so they are an hour ahead of us in Illinois.

If you have items you would like to leave at the tent (dry clothes, food, drink), please allow yourself enough time to drop them off and get to your start corrall. The tent area is approximately three blocks from the staging area for the start. If you are staying in downtown Indy, almost all hotels are located within walking distance of both the start and the post-race area.

I will continue to post more Indy info over the next couple weeks.

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