What a turnout for our first Half Wits run! One of the runners told me he counted 65 people this morning and I know there were several people who were not there today.
And by the way, CONGRATULATIONS! That route was actually over 6 miles...it was 6.4 miles according to one runner who was wearing a GPS. Let us know if that was the farthest you had ever run. I would guess we might have some people for whom that was the case.
The weather cooperated, as the rain held off until after we were done, and the wind was not bad, especially with it behind us on the way back.
We will meet on Tuesday and Thursday this week, 5:30 pm near the Washington Park playground. Tuesday's run will probably be about a 3/4 mile warmup then we will hit the Carillon hill for a little hill work and end with a mile or so cooldown.
Don't forget to order your Half Wits shirts. We will place the order on February 13, so just get your form and payment back to me before then.
Please feel free to add your comments and let us know what you thought of the first day.
2012 Recap
I've seriously neglected this blog for no reason other than I haven't made
the time to sit down and compose something. Which is kind of sad because
2012 wa...
12 years ago
What a great experience meeting old and new friends while getting ready for the Lincoln Memorial and Indy 1/2 marathons! This is the farthest I've run to date
Thanks for all the positive comments!
With the Tuesday hill/speed workouts, we will progress throughout the spring, similar to the idea behind increasing the long runs. As I said this morning, I think we will concentrate more on hills (2 hill Tuesdays to every 1 speed Tuesday). Each week we will add a little to the hills or speed work.
For this Tuesday, we will warm up for 3/4 of a mile or so, then run the Carillon hill four times, then cool down.
We will probably warm up by running east from the shelter, around the upper pond, then down the hill, turn left and run to the bottom of the Carillon hill (right by the parking lot). We will rest for a bit then run up the hill four times. Run up the hill at a hard pace and walk/slow jog back down the hill. If you want to rest for a minute or so at the bottom, that is fine. After that we will probably do a cool down run to MacArthur and back around to the shelter. That will probably be about a total of 3 miles, but you don't want to go as far when you are doing the hills.
Hope that helps.
Hey Tim,
You did it again. I always tell people you are the man that can get the job done and you proved it again. Everything you do is first-class. I loved seeing many of the members of my Abe's Army group moving on to the next level. I appreciate all you do.
Kris Maurer
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