Monday, February 02, 2009

Workout for Tuesday, Feb. 3

So, just a refresher for everyone...

Saturday's (7:30 am) are long runs from Moxo.

Tuesday and Thursday evenings (5:30 pm) we run from the Washington Park Shelter.   

I have been told the restrooms at the shelter are open this winter.

Our first Tuesday night run of 2009 is a familiar one to HalfWit vets.  We'll keep the hill theme from Saturday going. 

Please have someone take charge Tuesday night and tell everyone to run...or else you may just all be standing around:-)  I won't be there on Tu/Th nights.

Here is Tuesday's plan...

From the shelter, we'll warm up by running east, then turn left at the Park Street entrance, past the Gazebo, down the hill by the pavillion, turn left at the bottom of the hill.  Go around the lower pond to the bottom of the Carillon hill.

Stop & rest so we gather back up.

We will do four hill repeats of the Carillon hill.  Run up the hill, turn around just short of Fayette Street, then jog or walk back down the hill.  Take a rest at the bottom (90-120 seconds) and repeat for a total of four times.  This distance to the top of the hill is approx. 1/4 mile, so that is a total of one mile just uphill.

Cool down is back the way you came for the warm up!

Any questions??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I froze my arsh off but I made it though, cripe, it was cold!
