Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Great Advice!

I wanted to pull out this comment from the blog to make sure everyone notices it. This is a great piece of advice.

As runners, we always need to be mindful and respectful of other folks, both on the roads and on the sidewalks. Most motorists have little patience for a bunch of runners coming down the street at them. So we need to be the ones with patience. Stay to the side (or sidewalks), give cars a wide berth, and if you need to stop so a car can pass...just stop:-)

Here is the post (thanks anon!)...

These is my 3rd year w/the group & have found this unique blend of folks beneficial to my success as a runner. I’m the back-of-the pack runner and have lots of time for observations. I’m not here to be critical. I hope to enlighten others of what I’m seeing. The move from Panera to downtown is a great idea but I do think there is more traffic to contend with & the safety of the runners is on my mind & I would like to share it with everyone. I noticed that when we run, we take up the WHOLE road (right lane, left lane and the center). I saw a lot of close calls and much more horn honking this time around & I’m fearful we’re going to get written up in the SJR on our lack of road etiquette. I prefer sidewalks myself & take them when the opportunity arises. Maybe a plug for sticking to one side and/or at the very least not running down the middle of the road?
February 03, 2009 8:44 AM

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With many years of running (and biking) and more than a few close and very scarey situations, I highly agree with sharing the road. A few rules I try to live by most of the time;

1. Run opposing traffic so you can see their smile before they hit you.

2. At stop signs/ stop lights always let the car go first. Even when they wave you through. They love to sucker you in front of them so they can run you over.

3. Always give the car the right of way, even when you have the right of way. They love to run you over, especially little old ladies.

4. When running in groups, go to single file when a car passes. Unless you don't like the person your with, then stay a breast and let them run out in traffic.

5. When running with a MP3 player, get a cheap pair of ear phones and cut one side off. That way one ear is always open to hear the car before it hits you. It also helps to hear the person you're runing with.

In my many years of working emergency rooms, I saw a lot of people struck by cars but never had to take care of a car. Cars ALWAYS win, and it's NEVER the driver's fault. Be careful out there and have fun.
