Thanks to Diana Nevitt, Cindy Saxby and their dedicated group of runners for forwarding their weekly plans.
Folks training for a fall marathon, or those who just want to get in a long run, are more than welcome to join them on Saturday mornings (see below for some info on this group).
This Saturday they will leaving from the IDOT Parking lot for either an 18 mile route (5:30 a.m. departure) or a 12 mile route (6:30 a.m. departure).
It is suggested that everyone meet at the east-side Panera on Dirksen 10 minutes before departure (5:20 am or 6:20 am) and carpool over to IDOT. After the run they will reconvene at Panera.
Here is an introduction from the group:
Just some background information on our group. We would like to explain a little about who we are and how we work. The runners in our group vary in speed and distance. We are easy going and fun. We love to run, socialize, and eat.
We have those who do run 9 minute miles, a group that averages 10-11 minute miles, and runners in the middle of the pack. So, there is room for growth. Also with mapping out the run, if someone is having an off day they can drop back to a comfortable pace.
Each week we try to switch around our routes, but that is not always possible. If we have a particular distance or can't come up with a new route for the week, we pull out a tried and true route. Everyone is welcome to plan a route, marking Gatorade and water stops approximately every two miles.
We all try to pitch in and volunteer to put out the Gatorade/water, enough for all runners. It is nice to rotate this responsibility. Those who put out drinks are responsible to pick up the debris after the run since we do not want to leave trash in the environment.
Running departing times will vary according to the weather and distance. Those running longer distances may leave earlier than those with the shorter distances.
As a group, we try to be aware of our fellow runners even though we train at our own speed and distance.
Come on out and give our group a try. We have several people now training for different marathons. Some are training for their first half marathon, and there are those who keep a 10 mile base.
I will pass your name along to Cindy Saxby, who also sends out running emails.
Come and see what we are about!
The Group,
2012 Recap
I've seriously neglected this blog for no reason other than I haven't made
the time to sit down and compose something. Which is kind of sad because
2012 wa...
12 years ago
Can you forward me Cindy's or Diana's e-mail address. I had a couple of questions.
Chuck...shoot me an e-mail and I'll ship it to you:
timbutler320 at
Thanks for the run today. Tim, Rob, and John pushed me. I glad that there will be other friendly faces down at St Charles on Sept 14. Please keep me informed of your running plans the next several weeks.
Gary Wessel (
Thanks Tim B., for sharing info. about our runs. It was a perfect weather day for the 18 miler. Hopefully, it will be that nice on marathon day. another marathon in the Butler's future. Guess we'll have to save that Chatham to Sherman route for a reunion 20 miler!
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