Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Go Barrython - Keep It Strong!

Barry House is our running partner, our Abe's Army leader, our Frostbite leader. He is always cheering, supporting, and encouraging every one of his running pals to keep placing one foot in front of the other. The one goal Barry always gave us was to make sure you get those two feet across that finish line. It didn't matter if you were faster or slower than Barry, he still supported you. If you were struggling and fell back, you could always count on Barry to run and finish with you.

"KEEP IT STRONG", he always yelled and meant it from his heart. Those three simple words. So giving but yet so powerful! For such a long time it was a Marython, a Pamathon, a somebodyathon. After many persuasions from his countless running buddies, Barry decided to train for his first marathon. And five long months of training through winter and ice, illness and doubts, twinkies and Gu, will finally come to an end.

Barry will always be a HalfWit in spirit, but this weekend, May 18th, in Green Bay, Wisconsin, Barry, will "run" with his own advice and "run" one foot in front of the other to become BarryThon!

GO BARRYTHON - KEEP IT STRONG! And congrats - we're behind ya all the way!!

Emily K and Mary R

Please track Barry this Sunday at the Cellcom Green Bay Marathon. He is BIB # 722
Track Barrython


Chazter said...

Ahhh... I remember that phrase as we coined it 3 years ago as Barry and I would yell it at each other.

KEEP IT STRONG!!!, my friend.

Wish you the best!

Im still a wannabe.

Aaron said...

Good luck Barry!

Emily K said...

How exciting for you to run through your Green Bay city and see your Packers!!! If you see Bret Favre, please tell him "hello" for me!!! :):)(I hear you could blow him away in a race!)

You are going to do AWESOME Barrython!!!! HUGS!!!

Barry House said...

Well, I'm certainly blushing here.

Thanks for the kind thoughts, MaryThon and EmilyThon. Both of you insisted on several occasions that I should try this, so you're part of any success or failure!

Hey Chuck, YOU are the one who first yelled KEEP IT STRONG! I just stole it from you. Thanks!

And thanks for the good luck wish, Aaron. I'm gonna need it.

This is really a great community of runners. EVERYONE encourages each other and we really all share in each others' successes and failures. It's like a family.

BTW, if anyone wants to run at Green Bay, I can transfer my registration to you for $5!

Kari F said...

Go Barry!!!! I'm rooting for you!!
I've been off and on checking your progress on your blog and I know you'll do well !!!



Anne B said...

Go Barry! You will rock your marathon!

Anonymous said...

Barry, I'm so excited for you! Think of everyone back home cheering you on as you run. Also, do the count down, when you get to 20 miles, say, "Only an Abe's Amble to go". When you get to 23, say "It's only a Jingle Bell run" Parade race and Sizzling mile, then you're finished! It really helped me out in Chicago. I also prayed to God at 23 and promised to go to church every Sunday if he would just get me through, :).

Good luck and keep it strong Barry!


Barry House said...

I forgot to mention earlier that some other HalfWits will be in Green Bay on Sunday--Russ Miers will be there, as will Travis Martinesen and his wife Gelila Tadesse.

Pam, I'm just going to say "Soon I'll be dead" the WHOLE 26 miles. LOL!

Anonymous said...

I have never posted on here. But I run many of the local races. I will be in Green Bay also! This will be my first full marathon. Maybe hope to see you there Barry. I think I know who you are just from name recognition. When running here in the races I personally always have on my Packer colors when I run. Green shirt and gold shorts, along with my green and gold shoes. Good luck Barry!

Anonymous said...

Are you sure you were in church last Sunday Pamela???

Barry House said...

Jake, I remember the "Packer Guy" on some of the HalfWits runs this spring. As everyone will tell you, I have to hear somebody's name about 500 times before I remember it. Sometimes I still get Mary's name wrong. LOL!

Post your bib number so everyone can track you!

Anonymous said...

I'm not part of the half wits. I more or less read this just to hear all your guys/gals stories and for updates on what is going on. So if I shouldn't be posting here let me know. But...my bib number is 1732.


Anonymous said...

Barry show all them cheede cheese heads what ya got.Green Bay is a good marathon provided all the damn snow has melted by now. Good luck.
Tim Mu
Pam hows the foot doin? Our Chicago training should be startin soon.

Anonymous said...


Good luck and have a great time. You were one of the first runners I met when I trained with the halfwits and you alway kept me going. Just think of all the beer and brats you can enjoy at the finish line ...


Aaron said...

Don't worry about not being a HalfWit Jake. I don't run with them much either and they don't delete my posts. New blood is always welcome. Good luck in Green Bay, I'm sure your usual outfit will make you a spectator favorite.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim!!! haven't seen you in so long, I miss ya. Hope you are staying injury free :). I thought I was going to be able to start running this weekend but the PT said I should be pain free for 6 weeks before I start running again. I have been pain free for about 2 1/2 weeks so that means I have to rest 3 1/2 more weeks! Cripe!!! But don't worry, Chicago training starts the end of June. The first long run is 12 miles, I don't think I'll be at 12, but I'll be at Panera for some kind of run. I just can't add the miles too fast or I'll be back in the same boat that I've been in since January. I hate Planters Facitis, it bites!!!!

See ya soon! I think Kim is going to be the leader of the group this year. I vote for her, any seconds? lol. Or if anyone else wants to be the leader, that is fine too. We're thinking of doing the First program. That is where you run three days a week but I think we are going to add an extra day to do Abe's on Tuesday night for the hills. There is a long run, tempo and speed. Sounds like a plan :). Can't wait for this foot to totally heal and I will be ready for action!


Anonymous said...

Oh, and as for Church last Sunday, didn't you see me sitting in the first row?


Chazter said...

What was your method of choice for your plantar?

BTW, I saw you in church, first in line guzzling the wine out of the chalice. :)

Anonymous said...

lol, Yes, that was me guzzling the wine but I didn't think anyone noticed, lol. You must have noticed me, when I asked the minister to "Filler up" lol.

I'm still not off the "injured list" but I really hope it's over. I did the Strassburg sock, stretched 3 times a day, did the electro therapy (I don't know the technical name)rolled the my feet on this roller ball thing and stayed off of any pounding exercise. So that just left me with swimming (which I hate so I only did it once a week) and wieghts. I did spin class but they cancelled it two weeks ago. I gave in and did the cort. shot (which I didn't want to do because I've heard all the bad reviews but I thought, I've got to try it.) so now I'm able to walk for 30/45 minutes. I wasn't even able to walk on it, without it hurting before the shot. I felt pain with every step I took. So I'm making progress with walking but haven't attempted to run. The PT said I can start in 3 1/2 weeks so we'll see what happens. I'm really nervous!

I hope you are staying planter pain free. How long has it been since you had it and did it ever come back? I'm hoping mine will stay away for good.

Thanks for thinking of me,


Chazter said...

I had a been pain free for over 18 months from Plantar. But it took me two shots. I think the first time, he gave me a shot it wasnt painful but it did alleviate it for awhile. But it came back within 5 weeks because I only stayed off it for a couple of weeks. 2 months later, I decided to see the doctor again. I told him I wanted the shot again. He asked me, if I was sure I wanted to go through that route again. I said, Yes because it wasnt that painful and this time around and I vowed to take an extended break from any high impact activity.

Well, when he gave me the second shot, that one was much different. It was such a searing pain, I never clutched so hard. This is not what I felt the first time around. I tell you what, it must have hit the right spot because I dont want to ever do that again. I took about 5 weeks off from running too. Since then, I think I have been cured. Plantar free.

Hope this takes care of you too.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I have been out of the loop. Didn't know Barry was running a marathon! Good for you. I think everyone should suffer once! You'll do great! Too bad Chicago is full, you would have been fun to train with. You can always join us for some runs. Looking forward to the group runs again.

Hey Mary, still want to run Washington street when I move? We are only a few weeks away. Hope to open the pool 2nd week of June. Miles, laps & margaritas? Sound good?

And Pam, I think I want to become Catholic. They only serve grape juice for our communion. Might go more often if they served wine!!

Serious note: Hurry and get that foot healed. I am starting to slack on my runs! Today I was a run/walker. Yikes.


Barry House said...

Kim, I was trying to keep it on the down low. But I slipped up and mentioned it to Mary and Emily one day. Yikes!

Once I recover, I'll look for your group!

Emily K said...

Barry, that one morning we were running, I promised not to tell anyone and I didn't....

for one hour.... then I told the next person that I ran upon! ;)

Anonymous said...

HOLY COW!!! 22 posts so far; We've heard from everyone except Barack and Hillary. All it took to wake everyone up was for ole FROST-TOES Barry to head up to Green Bay to run a little old marathon. From hurtin feet to wine at church (grape juice,your kidding) what will come up next?
In honor of Barry, anyone that wants should meet at Paneras at 7:00 Sat. morning & run what ever distance ya feel like.

Anonymous said...

Good Luck Barry!! In Honor of you I am getting "Keep It Strong BarryThon" Printed on the back of my PANTSUIT!!
Best Wishes,
Hey Sweetie OH I mean Barry..Sorry, Bad habit! Keep it strong! and like we say in Chicago run early and run often!!
By the way I used to go by Barry O.

Tim said...

Wow...I don't check our blog for a few days and you guys go to town!

Barry...you are one of the best Abe's Army "grunts" that I ever had the pleasure of training.

To think how far you have come from when we met with our Army group a few years ago is truly awe inspiring! That you have moved on to become one of the leaders of our local runners...that speaks volumes of who you are as a person and what you have accomplished as a runner.

Have the confidence that all of us here will be pulling for you and we will be tracking your progress this weekend. It is just a matter of one foot in front of the other...for 26.2 miles.

Best of luck...and you will ROCK!

"We are different, in essence, from other men. If you want to win something, run 100 meters. If you want to experience something, run a marathon."
--Emil Zatopek

Mary L. Rogers said...

See Barry? You may enjoy your solo long runs but you've got the power of the group behind ya all the way to Green Bay!

Good luck - and remember:
ice bath beer warm shower beer
beer beer beer beer

works every time!

Hey Kim - anytime, - you know how to find me! I'll be running every Saturday morning, so let me know when you want to run! Good luck on your move.

Is anyone seriously running from Panera at 7am tomorrow?

Tim said...


Wendy and I are joining some folks 6:30 a.m. Saturday at Panera for 8-10 miles. Come on out.

Anonymous said...

Barry, best of luck this weekend from your old Pike County connection!

We'll be thinking about you!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Why did you blow us off this morning? Em & Marie did 7. Stephen & I finished with 9.


Emily K said...

Mary called me back this AM and she did:

"ice bath beer warm shower beer
beer beer beer beer"

way too much fun for her last night.... go figure and we weren't even invited! LOL!

BTW~ Hilary Clinton at 7:28 AM, I love it! I think I will get, "Keep It Strong BarryThon" printed too~ but on my shorts!


Anonymous said...

Um, I was invited last night and declined because Mary said that she gave up DRINKING.

Mary, How long did that last?

I went home thinking that she was going home...


Barry House said...

Greetings from Green Bay, everybody!

Thanks again for all the wishes--and Tim Butler, you KNOW I wouldn't be here if not for the training I got from you, Wendy and Deidre that great summer of 05.

ALL YOU GUYS ROCK!! I'll try to live up to your standards.

Anonymous said...

I will be cheering for you!! Please don't run the race wearing one of those "CHEESE HEADS!!"
Kris Maurer

Anonymous said...


Friday was my day off, so I opted for sleeping in until 7 and then hitting the pool at 8am instead!

So no - I didn't go to Xochi's and no I didn't drink margarita's on Thursday - though I was thinking it would have been lots of fun!

Tim: thanks for the offer - I didn't read the blog last night - so I'm off for my long run right now - see y'all later!

Barry - good luck baby - three years from Abe's recruit to BARRYTHON!


Aaron said...

Congrats to Barry on his 5:09:10!

Anonymous said...

HEY, BarryTHON - SOUNDS LIKE SOMEONE'S BEEN TRAINING (or smokin' his running socks...)!

Congrats and good job - can't wait to hear all the details!


Barry House said...

Thanks, guys. I'll just say that the marathon was definitely a humbling experience. That last 5k was the hardest I've ever run.

Every time I crossed a timing mat I thought about all the HalfWits. You guys really rock!

The gory details are at my "Preparing to Marathon" blog

Kari F said...

WOW !! Congratulations on your 5:09 Barry!