Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Louisville--Important Info!!

For everything about the Louisville Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon & Half Marathon this weekend, visit their website at

Here are a few important items for everyone heading down there this weekend:

The host hotel, the Galt House Hotel & Suites, is located adjacent to the expo/packet pick up, start line shuttle bus pick up, and the finish area.

Race packets are available at the Bluegrass Family Health Running Wild Expo at the Kentucky International Convention Center, 221 Fourth Street, Louisville, KY 40202.
Enter Building at Third and Market Streets!
Expo times:
Thursday, April 24th, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Friday, April 25th, 11 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Saturday, April 26th, 5:30 a.m. - 6:30 a.m.
No Packet Pickup at Race Course Start!

The start of the race is in Iroquois Park--Shuttle buses will run from the Kentucky International Convention Center to the start line. Race organizers recommend you use this shuttle system. The race finishes dowtown, near the Convention Center.
Parking is available downtown in garages:
On Jefferson between 3rd and 4th street next to the Hyatt
On the corner of 4th and Market
Morning Shuttle Bus Schedule:
70 buses will be traveling from downtown to the start
Buses will Load at three locations between 5:15 a.m. and 6:30 a.m.4th and Main4th and Jefferson 3rd and MarketPassengers must be at loading zones no later than 6:00 a.m. to reach the start line before the race.
Buses will unload at the Iroquois Amphitheater in Iroquois Park
An average of 35 buses will make double runs
Afternoon Bus Schedule:
10 buses will be traveling back to Iroquois Park
Buses will load on 4th and Jefferson
Buses will pick up runners to take them back to the start line at 10:00 a.m.
Buses will stop running shuttles to the start line at 2:30

The race finishes downtown on Market Street at 6th Street.
There is a Runner Reunite area at 4th & Market, which is adjacent to the Convention Center.

There will be a Gear Check truck in Iroquois Park near the start area. The pick up for Gear Check will be in the Runner Reunite area at 4th & Market.


Anonymous said...

Jim and I should be in Louisville by 3:00. Let me know if anyone wants to meet for pizza. I wish to eat by 5:00 and be back in the room by 8:00 or 9:00.

I expect all you half people to be at the finish line waiting for us silly full people. Never mind~it could be a long wait.


Anonymous said...

Good luck everyone, have great races. I can't wait to read about everyone's experiences. =-) lori

Chazter said...

Good luck in Louisville. Have fun and have a Mint Julip for me.

The downtown area has an active nightlife too.

Anonymous said...

FYI..... Chicago marathon is officially closed! They have reached the 45,000 limit. Hope all got in who wanted to. We will start training sometime in July. Mary F. you got in right? Tim Mu, Pam Enno and I are in. Mary Rogers? Jen Glisson &, Deb Marker? Who else is in? We need numbers to train. Look forward to it... I think.

Kim N.

Anonymous said...

Mary R - NOT doing Chicago (tough decision guys, but I'm doing a 1/2 IronMan in August - can't concentrate on both). BUT - I'll still do long runs with y'all (I need the company!)

Holly - yes on pizza (there's 4 of us leaving at 10am Emily, Brent, Penny, me) will you call me once you have a place to eat? We're leaving at 10 am - should be there around the same time, I think. Then quick expo, eat, and sleep!

Good luck everyone and Tim - thanks for all this info at our fingertips!

Anonymous said...

oh, and Holly: for shirt - 1) Whoa!, OR 2) GOT OATS?


Anonymous said...

Good Luck on the marathon guys. Mary, you can do it, you are strong, girl! Keep positive and if you get into trouble, tell yourself "This will cycle through" and you will get through it.

I'll be thinking of you guys,
