Monday, February 04, 2008

Tuesday 2/5 workout


Sorry for confusion over whether we are meeting at Washington or Lincoln parks, but we were trying to solve the restroom issues. Hopefully we'll have it settled by Tuesday evening!

We will get right in to tackling hills with Tuesday evening's workout:

From the tennis court parking lot, we'll warm up by heading east, then turn left at the Park Street entrance, past the Gazebo, down the hill by the pavilion, turning left at the bottom of the hill. Go around the lower pond to the bottom of the Carillon hill.

Stop & take a rest so everyone can gather back up.

We will do four (4) hill repeats of the Carillon hill. We will run up the hill, turn around just short of the Fayette Street entrance, then jog or walk back down the hill. Take a rest at the bottom (90 to 120 seconds) and repeat for a total of four times up and four times down the hill. The distance up the hill is approx 1/4 mile, so we will be running a total of a mile uphill!

Then, for a cool down, we'll run back the way we ran for the warmup.


Anonymous said...

Ok, ok, everyone says we run in any weather (well most any) My question is What do you wear to stay dry when it's raining heavy? Tomorrow's forecast calls for heavy rain and I don't think a light wind breaker is going to keep me dry? Any suggestions?

Aaron said...

I own an Asics Stormshelter jacket. It cost about $100 but is quite warm and keeps me very dry. If you don't want to spend $100, a Hefty bag with a hole cut in the bottom and sides does the job in a pinch, but it isn't very breathable and you'll end up wet anyway from sweating too much.

Tim said...

I have found that Target has some very reasonbly priced technical running clothes from Champion. I picked up a jacket the other day (with reflective trim) for under $30.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I like Target also, but the last week when I was there the only jackets they had for women weren't water resistant. Because of my short stature I have a difficult time buying men's jackets that don't look like I am wearing my husband's. At any rate, I found an Asics Storm Shelter jacket for women on ebay for $50. Thanks so much for all your assistance.

Aaron said...

The only thing I don't like about my Stormshelter jacker is the dark blue-color it came in. There isn't nearly enough reflective trim on there either.