OK...here is the plan for the week of March 4...
Tuesday, March 4: we'll try for some negative splits...make sure to wear your watch for this one...
From the tennis courts, turn left and warm up to MacArthur Blvd. Go to north side of Williams (west side of MacArthur) and take a rest so everyone can gather back up. We will run back into the park and towards/around the ponds and up the big hill if you get that far.
The first run will be out three minutes, turn around and immediately run back three minutes (total of six minutes).
Take a rest for a couple minutes.
Second run will be out five minutes, turn around and immediately run back five minutes. (ten minutes total)
Take a rest.
Final run is out seven minutes, back seven minutes. (14 minutes total)
The idea is that you will pick it up on the second half of the run, so you will actually finish beyond where you started.
Make sense? Cool down back to the tennis courts. So it is a total of 30 minute hard running and the warmup/cooldown.
Run for Thursday, March 6: let's do the route to the YMCA and back.
Click here for the map.
Saturday, March 8 will be a 12 mile run. We'll go from Panera to Fit Club West to Washington Park and back. Hydration should be at Fit Club West and the Washington Park Shelter.
Click here for the map.
Have fun! Looks like the weather will be better this week.
2012 Recap
I've seriously neglected this blog for no reason other than I haven't made
the time to sit down and compose something. Which is kind of sad because
2012 wa...
12 years ago
okay - I'm crazy but not going to run at the park tonight. Any of you HalfWits who do go out there - tell us how it was!
I'm heading to Cardinal - I've never done negative splits on the treadmill, but maybe it'll make it a little less boring. It's either that or watching funniest home videos and I've laughed so hard once that I almost fell off!
So whatever you do tonight - BE CAREFUL!
See y'all Thursday!
Gosh darn, I wrote my note under the wrong comment section. I was wondering if Mary or Barry can start the group for this Sat. the
8th? I can't run because of my planters faciitis but if nobody is going to be there, I can meet the group and start them. Oh, if you need me to put out the water at Washington Park, I need the jugs. Thanks everyone
1. The map TELLS you to go all the way to MacArthur when running in Washington Park. However, the map is routed to go up the hill in the middle of the park. If you run all the way to MacArthur, you'll end up doing and extra 3/4 of a mile.
2. Instead of taking Lawrence to Chatham, take Lawrence to Kenyon and turn RIGHT. Turn LEFT on Parkview and that will take you to Chatham Road. Cross Chatham to Fayette. Follow this same route back. Zoom the map and you can check the streets out. This does add 1/4 mile to the run.
There are no sidewalks where Lawrence meets Chatham (kinda busy intersection, too) and the grassy area is really muddy right now. The sidewalks on this part of Chatham are a little treacherous as the mud and snow are covering some big cracks. The side streets won't have as much traffic on them.
Be careful and we'll see you Saturday!
If I didn't make this clear - post here and I'll clarify.
Im a bit confused on your post at 7:38pm. You state FitClub North and FitClub South on that post.
I thought the Sat run only went by Fitclub West?
Double checking. I may run with you all this weekend at a very slow snail pace.
Just to make sure we get at least 12 miles in, we're going by both FitClub NORTH and FitClub SOUTH.
Actually, she meant FitClub West both times. The one on Lawrence just west of Veterans.
See ya Saturday!
Pams post says that she needs jugs. I was under the impression that her problem was with her foot.
Boy - I'm a dork. Post revised it's Fit Club West everyone!
Geez - I've got y'all running all over Springfield! LOL
here's the revised note:
Hey Pam - sorry about your foot - still bothering you, huh??? Get that healed up, wouldja? You've got CHICAGO to train for!!
Barry will start the group this Saturday at 7:30 a.m. - I'll put out water/accelerade at Fit Club North and at the picnic tables by the Playground shelter in WAshington Park. Unfortunately the rest rooms won't be open, but in an emergency, the porta potty hasn't been too bad.
Penny and I are starting early again but hopefully we'll meet up with you on the road somewhere.
And great job to everyone tonight. It was a really great run for me, and the best part was coming down Pasfield and turning right on Williams. When I got to Walnut, I just had to stop - the pink sunset was truly amazing. I even took a picture of it on my phone!
See you all on Saturday - for some of you - it's your longest run so far. Try to break it up into segments so it doesn't feel quite so long. A few four mile runs somehow seems better than 12 miles, doesn't it? Go easy and if you feel good when you hit Fit Club South on the way back - then crank it up and finish strong.
If you haven't used energy gels before, now is a good time to practice so you'll know what works for you. Questions? Post 'em here!
Story on oldest marathoner ever!
I'll let you get a pass on this...well maybe you should by me a drink instead. - LOL
Thanks for the info too. You gotta watch her. Maybe she had Margaritas in her head. :p
Hey "anonymous" my jugs are just fine with me, don't want to get black eyes when I run, lol. I have enough problems right now, don't want eye surgery also, hehehe.
Thanks Mary and Barry for starting the group and putting out water. I sure hope I get better soon because I miss the group :(. Glad we have you two helping out.
Doc. says if I stay off of my foot now and cross train, maybe I'll heal in enough time for Chicago training. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and doing everything the experts say to do.
Have fun all and stay injury free!!!!!!!!
Pamela :)
you guys keep talking about "chicago training"? do you mean the chicago marathon on oct. 12? or another chicago race coming up? just wondering if there was a group of Springfield runners training for Chicago this fall...thanks!
I WISH I had margaritas on the brain when I posted, but nooooo - I was still coming down off of a great run last night (LOL!).
And Chuck - maybe we need a MIles and Margaritas night? How about the Thursday before the LM Half? Gonna have to start tapering anyway - anyone else up for it?
And Pam -looks like Cameron wants to join your Chicago marathon training group - good luck with that! I'm never again doing 20 mile runs in dog days of summer again. (of course I say that now....)
Cameron, Yes, we mean Chicago Marathon. Sign up and have all of your friends sign up too. The more the merrier!!!! Don't listen to that Mary chic, she loved running in the summer, I can remember her smiling face as she finished her 20 mile training run, lol. We run in the morning so the heat isn't so bad. Training for Chicago will probably be around the last week of June. Hope to see ya then.
Go to Chicagomarathon.com to sign up for Chicago.
Mary, margs sound good for the Thursday before the half. Hopefully, I'll be able to run by then, even if I can't, I'll save a table at Xoch's, lol.
It felt good to run with the group again. Probably shouldn't have done 12.5 and now I am paying for it with my darn IT Band. The company and conversation was so nice I hated to stop. Karen, your stories are always so good. I love the one about Neil Armstrong. It was so funny. Sherry, It was great getting to know ya better on the run.
Hey Mary R. you have to sign up for Chicago! We need to have a Chi-Town reunion. Come on - quit procrastinating. I'm going to call Troy and have him sign ya up!
Anyone else interested?? Let us know.
Kim&Pam, I signed up for Chicago. Both of ya need to stop this injury crap. I think we need several loong runs, maybe up to at least 25 miles this year.
Tim Mu
WhooHooo, Go, Tim, Go!!!!! When you say "at least 25 miles this year", do you mean total for the summer? I can do that,lol. Now all I need is to fix this darn foot and I can run with the old group again. I can't wait!
I talked to Mary F. and she said she was going to sign up too! Hey, what about Kari F.? You better sign up or you'll miss out. Is Rich out there too? Come one, come all, what about Roger? and Steve O.?
Yeah Tim, I'm pumped! Let's get a team together. As far as the injuries, it is just sore NOT an injury. Nothing that a little Advil won't disguise.
Pam, good job on the recruits! I vote you the head marathon organizer and maybe we can get Bryan Glass & Billie Owens to be our trainers. What do ya think?
Billie and Bryan would be awesome trainers, cripe, we need someone that knows how to run a marathon, it's certainly not me. Can you recruit them? Starting a formal marathon group would be great for motivation.
Anyone else wanting to join the group, feel free :) Chicago or bust!
Hey I talked to Bill and told him to come for the Miles and Margaritas night. He said cool. I told him we are recruiting him as our coach so bring training ideas to the table.
All is welcome for this informal pre-marathon training meeting. Ok, it's not really a meeting but a good excuse to meet for cocktails on a school night.
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