Tuesday, February 05, 2008

OK...conditions we DON'T run in...

Lightning and heavy rain with mid-30s temps...yep, that's a pretty good bet we will not run!

We did have a few people show up, but we did not run.

We will be back at the Washington Park tennis courts on Thursday, 5:30 pm.

As I have said before, it is always a game-time decision on runs, so plan on showing up unless there is a post on the blog. If the rain would have let up tonight, we would have run!


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that people showed up and weren't able to run, but I feel a little better having chosen to do the treadmill last night.

One other thing, does anyone else have blister problems when they run in the rain?

Anonymous said...

At around 5:10pm as the lightening flashed outside my window and the rain poured, I decided going to the park was not an option. However, I didn't just call it a night, I went to the FitClub and did some "hill work" on a treadmill. I thought that would be better than crashing in front of the TV with a bowl of ice cream. LOL

I am humbled by those who did show up at the park.

Aaron said...

I was going to run but I decided to drink a few beers and get my butt kicked playing pool instead. I don't mind rain but I don't like it when it is cold like it was last night.

I'm not a fan of lightning either.

Emily K said...

Aaron, I knew I liked you for a reason! I have not ran since Sunday... I did teach yesterday~ cycling 5:30 AM (tues) but I so loved being lazy last night... Beer tasted so great! OH wait!! Beer tasted great tonight as well!! I think I look like Homer Simpson right now.... "Mmmmmmm Beeeeeeerrrrr"

Aaron said...

I thought you liked me because of my blue shoes?

Aaron said...

I thought you liked me because of my blue shoes?

Aaron said...

How'd I post that twice?