Welcome to the Half Wits 2008!
We had a great crowd turn up for our first Half Wits run of the season...especially given the weather we had just the day before! Let's hear your stories and thoughts (if you want to comment--or read them--click on "comments" below).
I hope everyone felt good after the run. If you struggled a little yesterday, that's OK...just stick with us. We'll get ya through the half marathon.
Just a couple quick reminders:
1. If you are running the Lincoln Memorial, please get registered! I will have paper apps at our runs. You can also register online through the race website: http://www.runabe.com
2. Please complete an emergency contact & waiver form and get it back to me. I will have these forms at our runs.
3. If you are not on the e-mail list, please register by clicking on the "join our list" link on the right. Just enter your e-mail address and you will be on it.
4. Tuesday evening (2/5) we will meet at 5:30 at the Washington Park Tennis Court parking lot. I will post the workout by Monday evening, so check back often.
2012 Recap
I've seriously neglected this blog for no reason other than I haven't made
the time to sit down and compose something. Which is kind of sad because
2012 wa...
12 years ago
Quick question, on the blog it noted that we will meet at Washington Park on Tuesday, however on the sheet that I picked up on Saturday it noted that all Tuesday and Thursday runs will meet at Lincoln Park. Will we meet at Washington Park on Tuesdays and Lincoln on Thursdays? Thanks
Sorry about the confusion on the Tu/Th place. When I printed those sheets a few weeks ago we were planning on Lincoln Park because of the restroom issue at Washington Park.
We will now be meeting at Washington Park in the tennis court parking lot on both Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:30 pm.
I am hopeful that the tennis court building will be open (we've been talking with the park district) for people to use restrooms.
Thanks for asking!
Congrats to all who made their first run this last weekend. I wimped out because I was pretty sore shoveling a lot of drives the previous day. Sometimes you gotta keep your ego in check. Hope to catch you all in the following Sat. runs.
T-Thurs will be tough for me due to my cross training schedule.
Nice to see new HalfWits.
Chuck, are you doing the T-thurs KB workouts?
Yep. That is my cross training schedule. T, Thurs KB workouts @ 6pm with Bring the Pain Wayne!
You have to welcome fatigue...
sounds like anne b knows all about All Pain Wayne!
LOL!!!Kari, what is your favorite All Pain Wayne quote?
'this ain't panera and I'm not the muffin man' LOL!!
Hey, this could be fun! anyone else have a favorite Wayne quote to share?!
REPEAT OVER AND OVER until your quads give out!!!!
10! 9! 8!... 10! 9! 8!...10! 9! 8!
until FINALLY he gets down to 1!
When do you usually go Anne?
I was thinking about welcoming fatigue on Saturday's run - but I got tired of thinking 'bout it! LOL!
(Penny and I ran a bit extra - okay 12 miles - that's why the pic in the previous post looks SOOOO
see y'all Thursday - can't be there tomorrow!
Gonna need extra blinking lights with this kinda weather!!!
I'm laughing soooo hard...just got back from Wayniac's class. He was surprisingly mellow tonight. The songs were a random mixture of Michael Jackson, Red Hot Chili Peppers, the BeeGees and Cheryl Crow, to name a few. We did not do any butt burners!!!!!
Kari, I usually go Monday and Wednesday (Level 2 class). I'd love to switch up a level but those evenings work better for me,
Last night was different. Less intense than the Tues, Thurs 6 pm workouts. I did have fun seeing fellow runners there. But being in a less intense class, it doesnt matter, it matters how much effort you put into it. I still had sweat pouring from me.
One of my fav quotes.
"The easiest workout was your last workout!"
Tuesdays 6pm and Saturday 9am if I'm not running.. (If I run, I'll try and get a noon class in).. Haven't tried back to back running/kickboxing yet..
I hurt just thinking about it!
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