Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Howl at the Moon

Half Wits Roger German (41.48 miles), Tim Mullady (34.9 miles), and Carl Benton (44.27 miles) participated in the Howl at the Moon endurance race this past Saturday.
The largest timed ultra in the United States, Howl at the Moon is held at Kennekuk Cove County Park near Danville on a 3.29 mile loop. Participants run as little or as much as they can in eight hours.
Check the results here and congrats to our Half Wits on a tremendous performance!


Anonymous said...

The race instructions say that the scorers are always right no bitching allowed, but I sent them a bitchin e-mail cause my results are one mile off. I did 10 loops at 3.29 miles(32.9) and 4 half mile out/backs(you get a straw for each out/back) for a total of 2 miles. My grand total should be 34.9 not 33.9 like the results show. If they'r not careful I'll have Cooper go to they'r next event then they will know what bitchin really is.
Tim Mu

Emily K said...

WOW!!! I am still in awe how awesome all three of you are!! GREAT JOB Roger, Tim Mu and Carl!!!
-Em :)

Anonymous said...

WOW I'm feeling much better. Just got an e-mail from Deb Reddy from Kennekuk Road Runners/Howl at the Moon. They are changing the results to the miles I did. I know it was only one mile but my legs know they did that mile. Promised Deb that Carl,Roger,and I would try to recruit more Springfield runners for next year. So okay Springfield runners lets be planning for next year. The Kennekuk people love to party, just look at their web site.
Tim Mu

Mary L. Rogers said...

This is amazing - I cannot even imagine this. How do you train for it? I don't know - I'm always up for a challenge, but 8 hours? You guys are totally amazing - and one of my recruits at Abe's Army tonight saw Carl walking and said - "Man - he never walks!" And I say, "He does after running over 44 miles in one day!" She was speechless.

Hats off to you guys - true extreme adventurists!

Anonymous said...

to me...that is utterly amazing! great job guys...and way to fight for that extra mile, after all of that, you deserve credit for what you got done. very, very impressive!

Anonymous said...


awesome result! enough to inspire me to get back training with the halfwits!

btw, send me an email, i've got some work for you. jetbecker1@yahoo.com

- joshua

Anonymous said...

Now Tim, I know you fought for the extra mile and that's great because you earned it but couldn't you have asked for 1.1 miles? Are you sure that it was just 1 mile? You could have walked the .1 some where on the course, right? lol.

Hey, don't forget the long run next week. We are running our big 20 and some people are wanting to run 21/22. I ran 22 last week and did the ole man shuffle for the last two miles so maybe I ought to just run 20 next week. We'll see. Don't know the plan yet but I hope to join the half wits for part of their run and just add mileage from there.


Anonymous said...

Pam you did the ole(old)man shuffle I want this cleared up for me. At what age does the ole man shuffle kick in? I had planned taking 0ne week off after the Howl, but I'm extending it to two weeks, some swelling in left foot &ankle. Should be ready(will be ready)for a long run next Sat.
Tim Mu

Anonymous said...

Well, since I'm 29, it must kick in then. I'm really refering to an old man that is over 100 years old. So you are going to have to run 40 more years to find out. Keep running, Tim!

I'm taking some time off also. Don't know what is wrong with me. I ran on the tredmill (sp) for nine miles (because it was 110 heat index outside) and I had an ache in my hip socket the next day. I thought it was just tight so I took it easy the next run and then did the big run last Sat. Felt great the next day, just a little tight in the hip again but not bad. Ran again on the treadmill the Tuesday after, next day, had a hard time walking. It hurts to step forward and push off. I've got a call into the PT and I've been doing the "rest/ice/ibpro", so we will see.


Anonymous said...

Wow Pam, I could have sworn you were 21...

-Em :)

Anonymous said...

She may run like a 21 but the bones of a 40 plus knows the dif. Funny that 'us' 40 plus have hip problems!! I've fallen and I can't get up! Sound familiar Pam?

REST, REST, REST!! I'm hiding your running shoes til' our 20 plus!!

Kim :)