Negative splits are back!
For Tuesday night we will bring back our ever popular negative-split workout. For those who are not familiar with negative splits, what it basically means is that you run the second half of a run faster than you run the first half.
Here's the plan for Tuesday:
We will warm-up then do the negative-split runs of 8, 12, and 16 minutes. That means for the first one you will run out 4 minutes then immediately turn around and run 4 minutes back. The idea is to get past the starting point, so you run farther on the way back...therefore getting a negative split. Next we'll run out 6 and back 6. Finally we'll run out 8 and back 8.
As for the route...we'll warm-up from the shelter east to MacArthur. We'll stop for a rest then begin the workout. We'll run from the MacArthur/Williams corner west into the park and towards the lower ponds. If you make it to the hill before your turn-around time, then run up the hill towards the shelter.
The great thing about this workout is that we all get back to the starting point at the same time.
Does this make sense to everyone? And it looks like we might have some OK weather this week!!
2012 Recap
I've seriously neglected this blog for no reason other than I haven't made
the time to sit down and compose something. Which is kind of sad because
2012 wa...
12 years ago
Tim, we've ALL been looking forward to the negative-split runs. YAY!
If nothing else, it gives me a reason to try and learn the countdown feature on my watch.
I feel the need...The need for speed!
I know...I know...Top Gun was a cool movie. HA
Do we actually run backwards?
(Scott), but on the return negative split you will be running uphill and against the get psyched up for a great workout.
That was a great workout. The only problem I had was that my return time was only a second or two faster than my first leg, so I ended up stopping in the middle of MacArthur. I almost got hit a couple of times.
That's what happens when you run backwards on that return, dee. You don't see how close the street is and you go right out in it.
Great workout. Just how many Half Wits did we have tonight? Looked like a huge crowd.
I sure miss running with everyone. I just got an MRI done and I have a bruised bone on my knee. It started before the marathon and then running on it just made it worse. Has anyone ever had this problem and any suggestions would be great.
What indicated it was a bruise and not a stress fracture. There does not have to be visible line to have a fracture just an area that the die (calcium) attaches to the injured area that shows up as a black circle. I would have thought a bruise would have been gone by now. If your insurance will cover it, hook up with Athleticare and they can at least get you started with pool running. I would think this would not hurt it and keeps your cardio working. Let me know what you find out. Sorry to hear your still injured :(
Kim N.
Kim, my doctor said the MIR showed swelling and called it a bruised bone. I didn't fall on it and yes it seems it would have been better by now but I have been trying to run through the pain. I just thought it was bad tendenitis. I stopped running and started icing it at night. Thanks for the advice.
Hey Robin - get better girl! We got a lot of songs left in us for the road when we start training for CHICAGO again! Couldn't have done it without you - so rest, ice, heal - and get back out there soon, one step at a time! Hope to see you soon, okay?
Robin, rest is good... it sucks but you'll come out with a bang! I mean, look how Kim N had to step out of her marathon training last October for Chicago! I feel like I am reaching for mercy when I run with her during our runs together! I can't keep up!!!! :):):) I think she rested tooooooo much! HA! She so kills me on the roads. It was hard for me to rest when I was injured, but now I am glad time took its place. When you finally do come back, you'll be great! I know you will! You are way to positive and optimistic to let anything get you down. :)
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