Don't forget to check the route for Saturday. Click here for a map of the route.
As for hydration stops, here is what we'll have:
* Water. Inside Panera
* Water/Gatorade. Trail head on the east end of Wabash Trail. You can hit this stop twice (out and back).
* Water fountain. Bunn Park Golf Course Clubhouse. The water fountain is on the west side of the clubhouse, near the first tee.
* Water fountain. Westchester Park, corner of Westchester and Concord.
* Water fountain/Gatorade. Lindbergh Park, corner of Westchester and Lindbergh. I will put Gatorade in a cooler next to the water fountain.
Also, if you don't want to run 14, you can still join us through other options:
Don't run the intial loop up to Iles and back to Panera. This will knock off about 2 miles and you can meet up with everyone as they come back by Panera.
Another way to shorten the route would be to run straight back on the Wabash Trail instead of going south through Westchester and Parkway Point.
It is going to be fun!!!
2012 Recap
I've seriously neglected this blog for no reason other than I haven't made
the time to sit down and compose something. Which is kind of sad because
2012 wa...
12 years ago
"Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go." T.S. Elliot
One of the girls I tutor had this on her cross country t-shirt and it really made me think about this new running thing I've become addicted to. It's been an amazing four months as a half wit. I've learned a lot about the reasons I run - at first it was the challenge, then it was the socialization, now its evolved to an almost spirtual journey of surpassing pain and mental fatigue and sometimes a really bad attitude to the point where I can't imagine myself doing anything else. I'm looking forward to Indy not because of the challenge of running 13.1 miles (I now KNOW I can do it) or the Miller Lite at the finish line, but to be around 35,000 other half wits who are somewhere on the very same journey as I am. They may be miles ahead of me, or somewhere trailing right behind me, or bet yet running my pace, but we're all on the same road.
I just thought it was cool. See you Saturday :)
good luck with the fantasy! I am sorry you will miss the run Saturday AM. It will be a different story now that the Cubs are coming to the New Redbird Home!
Ah, spoken like a true Cardinal fan...anonymously!
I will be there Saturday morning, just not Saturday night for the social. I can't miss the 14!
(valiantly attempting to break up the Cards-Cubs fight) Hey guys, I just had my first pain-free run in over a week and a half! But I won't be joining you all on Saturday. I will be there in spirit, yelling (like Chuck) KEEP IT STRONG!!!
Hey, at least you could do is stand and man a water stop or somethinG! Sorry, Barry, baby - I'm missing you - the penguin patrol is getting pretty slim! Take care of that injury - you said you'd be laid up with ice after the half. Keeping it strong is the dream - staying on my feet is the reality. Don't sleep in - that just wouldn't be fair.
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