Friday, March 03, 2006

Stretching Advice

One of the Half Wits e-mailed me about stretching:

Hi Tim, can you provide any advice about stretching before and after you run. I have been feeling discomfort in my heel and the top of foot sometimes.

I don't do as much stretching as I probably should...usually a little before running and not much after, though I have found both yoga and pilates have been very helpful the past few years.

Here's a link to a stretching on

So Half Wits, what's your advice on stretching?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anyone who's been injured appreciates the time spent stretching before/after a run. Pilates and yoga practiced regularly does seem to help overall running fitness.

I know you all are getting up pretty early already to get at Panera at 7:30am. Recovering from an injury myself, I do find that warming my body up before a run does help me to head out alot smoother and stronger. Just 20 minutes or so of pilates/yoga before I run (nothing too aggressive though) has seemed to help me.

You also might want to ice the affected area after a run. I only remember how much this helps after I'm already hurt.

Also, I had an orthopedic doc told me that if you've got a problem area, it's safe to take 600 mg of motrin 3x a day for a few days to reduce inflammation.

But let's face it, no matter what you do, after 10-13 miles you're gonna hurt! And I think you all know a good hurt vs. a bad hurt.

Keep on truckin'!