Goodbye to February and hello to the month that brings us spring. March is my favorite month of the year. Spring, St. Pat's Day, and a few other reasons. By the end of the month the Red Buds and other trees will be popping out along with those bulbs you planted last fall.
The Half Wits are doing great. Just think how satisfied you will feel the evening of April 1 after running that 1/2 marathon.
Keep it up!
2012 Recap
I've seriously neglected this blog for no reason other than I haven't made
the time to sit down and compose something. Which is kind of sad because
2012 wa...
12 years ago
Nice job Half Wits to "March Madness you are almost there.
Just a thought, I was wondering if we can have an informal party afterwards. If anyone that knows me, I like to party. So, maybe we can have a cook-out afterwards...bring your own grill and have plenty of drinks my case "Lots of Miller Lite". But this also depends on how the weather cooperates.
Like I said just a thought :-)
Was that your Miller Lite in the trash can at the water stop on the trail last week? That was quite considerate of someone to leave one since you requested it last week. :-)
I like the idea of gathering afterward. I don't like the griling part, I'm just lazy that way.
I love grilling, but that time of the year something outside might be a little iffy.
I think this is a great idea though.
What about doing it the afternoon/evening of Sunday, April 2? I have a commitment the evening of April 1 and would hate to miss the gathering.
Someone had also mentioned something about a Half Wits Happy Hour at some point...another great idea.
Let's hear from some other folks.
I can't take credit for the Miller Lite on the last run, but it was sure tempting. I've been known not to be afraid to throw a beer down during or after a race. Heck, I plan on doing the same activity in St. Louis next weekend for the St. Patricks Day 5 mile run....Run, then party afterwards. Whohoo!!!
Tim, I do like the idea of a Happy Hour...bring it on!!! Maybe we can do it on a Friday of our last step back weekend.
FYI... Tim's 39th B'day is March 20. That may be one of the reasons why March is one of his favorite months.
Is the party at your place?
Oh yeah, that may be one of the reasons.
My last year before I move into the "Masters"!
Oh now Tim don't let the Masters worry you,that is when I started distance running.Now come to think of it,you do lose your mind in the 40's.LOL
Hey Tim,
I was going to send this anonymous, but I knew that you would know it was ME!!!! I have been warming 39 up for you for the last couple of months. It really isn't that bad.
By the way, we could have a Birthday Pary for you at MY HOUSE. Of course I would invite JOE AND you never KNOW what might happen!!!!! LOL
I mean PARTY.
Happy Hour - Bring it on - I agree!!
Mrs. Wendy B,
Oh no!!! What did I start here with my suggestions.
You know a guy like me can't host a party at my pad....I still have that dang yellow police tape encircling my house. Plus, my alderman and neighbors are not happy with the last Frat-style party I had. - ROTFLOL
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