Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Indy Mini Info

OK, let's get your mind off that 13.1 miles you will run on Saturday and talk a little about the Indy Mini.

As you know, many of the Half Wits are also registered for the Indy Mini Marathon on May 6. Indy is a great race and I know we will have mucho fun in Indy.

Indy post-race tent: I reserved the tent last week. The SRRC Board of Directors and the Springfield Running Center have agreed to underwrite the cost ($290) of a tent for Springfield area runners in the post-race recovery area. Thanks to the board and the SRRC!

This tent is a great way for all of us to have a central meeting place after the race so we can share our experiences, meet with family, and have a few (or many) refreshments after the race. We will be able to put drinks/food in the tent before the race so the refreshments will be there after the race. I have also ordered five 22 pound bags of ice that we can use for coolers. Family members or friends who are not running can also congregate at the tent or drop off items during the race. This will be fun!

April Half Wits training plan: We will keep our Saturday-Tuesday-Thursday schedule going through April. The plan for our long runs will be like this: Saturday, April 8--7 miles; Saturday April 15--12/13 miles; Saturday, April 22--14-15 miles; Saturday, April 29--7 miles; Saturday, May 6--Indy Mini.

I know 14+ miles might seem daunting, but we can do it. This way we have all done several runs of 12+ during our training that will get us ready for a great race in Indy.

And here's an alternate April plan: I am not running the LM as I am helping to score the race. I am, though, running the St. Louis half on April 9, so I am planning to run 12 next Saturday (3/25), 7 or so on Sunday, April 2 (day after LM), St. Louis half on 4/8, then on with the rest of the program. Make sense? Anyone who is not running the LM, but is interested in running St. Louis, let me know. That is also a great race.

Any questions, comments, concerns?


Mary L. Rogers said...

Helen and I are taking a break for some fun with the Penguin in Decatur next Saturday, 3/25. This is a 5k race and should be a lot of fun (5K oughta be a piece of cake, shouldn't it!) We'll just have to fit our 7 miles in somewhere else that week. Thought maybe this might take our minds off of the long distance looming ahead (still a little nervous about it!)

If anyone else is going, we can meet up. Tim sent the information in an email last Sunday if you need more details or post here and I'll get it to you.

Mary L. Rogers said...

okay - one more post - I was looking for a little motivation tonight:

from john bingham's website again -


What's a Penguin?

In the running lexicon, the word "Penguin" has come to mean a person who runs more for the joy of running than for recognition and public rewards. Some of us are perpetual Penguins. We are consumed by the pleasure of movement.

Other Penguins find their joy in the challenge of reaching their own potential, whatever that is. For some it has meant running the Boston Marathon, the only U.S. marathon that has qualifying standards. For others, it has meant finding an independence and freedom in their daily runs that expands their limits.

Can there be such a thing, then, as a Penguin athlete? Or an athletic Penguin? Can people who are fighting to lose thirty or forty pounds be athletes? Of course they can! Can people who have waited until their forties to become physically active be athletes? You bet. Can people who finish last in a race be athletes? Yes, they can. And yes, they are.

You might be a penguin if...

you have to politely (for the third time) tell the men in the policecar moving behind you that No you do not wish a ride.

you wear your jog bra on top of your singlet. This is especially true if you are male.

during a race, you keep turning around to see if there is still anybody behind you.

the rest of the pack is out of sight before you've run 100 yards.

you meet both the hare AND the tortoise running back towards you doing their cool-down after a race.

the only reason you don't drop out of a race is that you're embarrassed that the police in the car behind you (closing the course) will see you.

as you're rounding the corner onto Main Street and the finish line, you overhear the announcer on a microphone to the crowd of 500 saying "we are ASSURED the young lady IS coming in!" (Oh well, at least I was young).

you recognize all the regular runners on your favorite route from behind.

you get passed on the uphill by a runner pushing a double baby jog stroller.

you shoot a 24-shot roll of film during a marathon.

you make arrangements for a late checkout at the hotel.

you are more worried about the porta-potty lines than the start line.

your support crew talks about meeting you for supper, not lunch.

you have to memorize the route because you know that you will lose the back of the pack.

the truck picking up the cones is pressing on your behind. (Don't laugh-this actually happened to me!)

as you pass a course volunteer they ask you, "How many are behind you yet?" and you say "Behind me? Behind? Gosh ... I think two ... Unless they turned around!"

the awards ceremony is over before you cross the finish line.

Tim said...

The St. Louis Half starts downtown around 14th and Market. It goes south around the brewery (very cool...right by the Clydesdales) then back to Market and out past SLU and towards Forest Park. The half turns around before Forest Park and finishes near the start. I think they have tweaked the course somewhat from last year, but that is the basic route. It is NOT a flat course, but it is fun. Last year's problem was that it got up to 84 degrees that day!

Check out their website for a map of the course:

Chazter said...

Kudos to SRRC Board of Directors and the Springfield Running Center for sponsoring the tent.

As a participant of many 1/2 marathons and a few marathons, a lot of the newbies here dont realize how convenient it is to have a central meeting place for a gigantic race like this. This is awesome!!!

Thanks Tim and all for making this happen.

BTW, do you think 5-22lb bags is enough to ice down a keg? Ha, know I had to throw that one in!

Chazter said...


There is a couple of us that already signed up for the St. Louis Half in April. We decided to do that instead of LM Half. I was wondering, do you know who might be doing that too? You can e-mail me at
