Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Saturday's 11 mile route

A link to Saturday's 11 mile route can be found here:

We will run from Panera to Fit Club South (not West!) and back. Water will be on the picnic table at the east trailhead for the Wabash Trail. Water and restrooms are also available in the lobby of Fit Club South.

The route runs south from Panera on W. White Oaks.
Left on Robbins to the Wabash Trail. Turn left on the trail and follow to east end.
From the eastern trailhead continue east on North Street to Stanford Avenue.
Go right (east) on Stanford, past D'arcys Pint and up and over the Stanford Ave. overpass.
Turn right on 4th Street and continue to St. Joseph.

PLEASE WATCH THE TRAFFIC ON 4TH STREET. IT IS A HIGHLY-TRAVELED, NARROW ROAD. Also, wave at one of our Half Wits, Adam Hawkins--aka "Hawk"--as you run by the WFMB studios on 4th Street!!

Turn left on St. Joseph to 6th Street.
Turn right on 6th Street. 6th deadends into the "rear" entrance to the Fit Club South parking lot.
Feel free to stop at Fit Club South for water and restrooms.

Turn around and run back the same way.

I know, I know, I know...that second trip back down the Wabash Trail can seem like FOREVER, but it is good practice for your mental toughness!

It will be a great day Saturday. Just think how satisfied you will feel after running 11 miles!

Any questions, comments, complaints?


Anonymous said...

Now really Tim do think we would complain??? LOL

Anonymous said...

Not a complaint per se, but I hope someone will leave a trail of bread crumbs for those navigationally-challenged back-of-the-packers like myself!

Tim said...

Hmm...maybe a trail of Gu packs? Maybe we will get snow again so you can follow the running shoe prints!

It's really a pretty easy route, and once you get to Fit Club, it is the same way back. Of course, I have run this route before!

I believe, barring another weather phenomenon, we might have a bigger crowd than we have had the past couple Saturdays, so hopefully there will always be someone within sight!

Anonymous said...

Hey anne b,

I'm sure I'll be within sight all the way back to Panera. My goal on Saturday is to simply see if I can actually run 11 miles and get out of bed on Sunday. So I'll be slow.

And I recognize the route. Except for the trail part, it's the way I drove to Fit Club South for the first few weeks of Abe's Amble last summer!

Anonymous said...

I think the "section running" realy helps when doing distance. When we ran 9 miles that made it much easier.

Anonymous said...

When do you "gu" on the long runs? Is this the best way to keep the energy up?

Anonymous said...

OK Barry, I'm counting on you. Wear blaze orange or something like that...

Tim said...

For info on Gu, see the comments under the Feb. 15 post "1/2 marathon advice".

Gu or other energy gels are a good way to replenish on long runs.

For our long runs from here on out, I will also put out Gatorade along with the water jugs, so there will be Gatorade at about 2.5 and 8.5 miles this Saturday.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for info,looking forward to the jug with Miller Lite...just kidding but maybe a suggestion.

Anonymous said...

You all are doing awesome! I ran with the group Thursday night. You guys are really on your way to the big day. Your training has served you well.

Good luck on Saturday. If you guys are trying gels for the first time this weekend, I recommend Raspberry Hammergel which you can get a R&M Cycle Shop on Washington between Walnut & MacArthur.

Hammer Time!