I have been a "serious" runner for almost 12 years now, and one of the great things I love about running is that there are always running buddies to be made. You never know who you are going to be running with a year from now, so enjoy your buddies and live in the moment.
I ran across this story on the Runner's World website and thought it might be good for the Half Wits.
My Running Buddy
A runner keeps his mentor's spirit alive the only way he knows how--by passing it on
by: John Hanc
I am a runner because 20 years ago a guy named Buddy Rourke taught me how to be one. I met Buddy when were both working for Newsday. I was 29 and wanted to run a half-marathon, so I went to Buddy--lean, tan, fit Buddy, who had completed six marathons--for advice. "Come out and run with us," he said. "We'll talk about it on the road. Meet you Sunday at 7:30."
I followed his marching orders and rose at what seemed to me the very crack of dawn. I arrived at 7:35 to find Buddy and two other runners waiting. "We have a five-minute rule," barked Buddy. "If you're not here after five minutes, we leave without you. You just made it." Great, I thought. I agree to go out for a training run and find out I joined the Army.
For the rest of the story, follow this link: http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,5033,s6-187-190-0-8954,00.html
2012 Recap
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the time to sit down and compose something. Which is kind of sad because
2012 wa...
12 years ago
Somewhere I've read that Runners make runners. I've found over the last eight months or so since I've started running that I rely a lot on my running buddies to keep me motivated and each week I meet new ones and I know I'm getter better because of them! Thanks for the article.
Everyone has good and bad running days, I am just happy that mine never fall the same with my running buddies. I am so glad I did Abes Army 3 years ago, I met 2 super running buddies and we contiue to beat the pavement together.
You can be a great runner even if you run every day by yourself. However, running buddies are the motivation that gets you through the long runs, the inspiration to keep training, and the enthusiasm that makes running fufilling. I have two great running buddies, and I am thankful every time that I can go out and run with them.
Great Article!!!
I get the most unexpected pleasure when I run with somebody new. That is why I like running in a group setting. Everyone has something to offer.
"The only way to define your limits is by going beyond them"
- Anonymous Author
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