Wednesday, February 15, 2006


I don't know about the rest of you who showed up Tuesday night, but my legs are a little sore/tired this morning after running those quarters!


Anonymous said...

I had Valentines Day plans for the evening, so I ran in the morning. There was still a lot of snow and ice out there, my legs are tired from having to speed up/slow down/swerve to avoid slippery spots.

Mary L. Rogers said...

I had a tough time Tuesday due to recurring shin and ankle problems made worse by running in the snow last Saturday. I hope to see you all Thursday, though I'm taking it easy. I'm out of town this Saturday and may use the time off as a way to rest before getting back into the mileage next week. I'd love to do the Artic Amble, but I'm hoping to put in a couple miles on my shoes in Chicago ...

Anonymous said...

I missed the long run Sat so I took advantage of the warm weather and attempted to run 9 miles by myself. 8 was all I could do. Running with others really makes a difference. I'm so glad to be a part of a great group of runners.

Anonymous said...

I didn't mind the 1/4's but can tell a difference in my legs (tired)today. I actually said at one point that I missed the hills. Now I know I am a Half Wit..LOL