See, I told you that you can do this. Now you have only two measly miles left for a half marathon. Congratulations to all the Half Wits for whom this was the farthest they have ever run. It feels tremendous, doesn't it?
Great job out there today. That last half mile was pretty tough running straight into the wind and the top of the Stanford overpass was a little breezy, but at least I didn't see any icicles on faces today. Snow, -15 wind chill, stiff winds...you can run in anything.
Next week it is on to 12 miles and I know you can all do that!
Great course today, terrific turnout. Everyone did very well and acted like the wind was nothing! Based on training runs on the Lincoln memorial 1/2 course that wind training will come in handy. Oh and the refreshments, we're getting 1st class treatment!
Who wants to run by themselves, this is fun and insprational.
This was an incredible experience -I would never have imagined that running 11 miles (regardless of wind) would be something I could accomplish, but I could not have done it on my own. That those in the group care so much about the success of others says a lot about our Springfield Road Runners club. trs and pe: for getting me through the tough spots - you guys rock - "choo choo"!
I never thought I would be telling others "ran 11 miles this morning" WOW what a rush! I had a great time today and the group thing does wonders. You never what subject may come up.The hills are paying off.
Awesome job everyone!!!
You all did great!!!
Tim and anyone else involved, thanks for the Gatorade between stops.
BTW, I was looking for the Miller Lite bottle on the way back at the Gatorade stop, did someone drink it? I needed to carb up! - LOL
I brought the Miller Lite back as a prize to the teacher..LOL I am planning on a few beverages after the race on April 1st.!!!!! BTW we should plan a HalfWit Happy Hour sometime,any suggestions???
Tim -- what a great picture of the group. Love the effect of the sun coming up over the buildings.
Re the disappearance of the Miller Lite --- isn't there something called "hashing" where runners drink beer? Is this the birth of the Half Wit Hashers?
I didn't know what hashing was until I looked it up:
Variously described as "the lunatic fringe of running" and "the drinking club with a running problem," the Hash House Harriers are a worldwide group with some 350 chapters in the United States, including a dozen in Colorado.
Our premise is simple, one harrier (the hare) lays a trail of flour over a course (s)he chooses. The other harriers (the hounds) try to follow that trail to the end where we enjoy munchies and beer (or soft drinks for those disinclined to imbibe). The typical hash is 3-5 miles over hill and dale, through suburbs, woods, malls, et al. The hash isn't a race - no prizes to the swift. Following the trail is the challenge, camaraderie and beverages are the rewards.
First time for eyelash icicles...
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