Friday, February 10, 2006

Cold weather gear

One of the Wits e-mailed me this week regarding clothing for cold weather running after being quite chilled following our jaunt last weekend (that wind was nasty last weekend).

We would like to get some input on your ideas for running gear in cold weather...and any tips you might have for the cold.

Here's what I said in an e-mail in response to this person:

Mittens work better than fingered gloves. They trap the heat better.Outside of that, gloves with fleece lining and a wind stopper shell work well. Either way, make sure they are more than just a knit pair. Some kind of outer layer that stops wind really helps.

The same goes for hats. Fleece hats are very good...and I would go with a hat rather than a headband if it is below 40 or so. Hats also trap the heat better. Jackets with a gore tex or similar shell help with deflecting the wind and moisture management as well.

I also usually wear a short sleeve AND long sleeve moisture wicking shirt under whatever top I am wearing when it is below 35. And wear a heavier pair of tights than just a thin lycra pair. They make some good looser fitting tights that are made with haevier material. And don't be afraid to wear a thin pair of tights underneath. That's what I did last Saturday!You can always shed clothes along the way.

Wind (or lack of) makes a big difference when it is cold. 30 degrees, cloudy and 20 mph wind is a lot colder than 30 degrees, sunny and no wind.


Anonymous said...

For cold weather running, I find if I keep my head and hands warm I am OK. I agree with Tim, I often wear mittens over my gloves. I also love to use those disposable hand warmers, they work great. If it is windy, I will wear sunglasses(even if it is cloudy.) The wind can really bother my eyes. A Head band and or hat really work well also.

Anonymous said...

Come on now, Kris. We all know you don't want to be spotted by the Papparazzi and that's why you have to wear the shades. You're Spfld's favorite letter turner.

Anonymous said...

Guys: I make sure I wear a longer jacket just so I have a little extra wind protection for certain areas below the waist.

Don't forget to wear chapstick or carmex or whatever lip aid you like to wear. I also put petroleum jelly or Bag Balm around my eyes and on my cheeks to prevent windburn.


Tim said...

Amen to the "below the waist" advice!