Tuesday, January 31, 2006

This Saturday's Route (Feb. 5)

Great turnout tonight for our first Washington Park run. Those hills can be tough, can't they?

If you cannot make our weeknight sessions, don't worry about it. Just get your runs in during the week and we'll see you on Saturday.

Here is a link to the route for Saturday. Barring some bad winds from either the north or south, we will do the Panera to Fit Club West route via the "long way", which will give us our 7 miles.



Anonymous said...

The fourth jaunt up that hill was no picnic! But it looked like everyone was having a good time.

Chazter said...

I had a blast running those hills. :-)

Anonymous said...

My legs are still sore. For cross training today I soaked in a jacuzzi . . .

Anonymous said...

Nothing more fun than running up and down hills in the dark. I live very close to that hill. I thought more than once about just running home. Glad I had other runners around to guilt me into staying.